Yandere Snake x Reader happy end

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So I've noticed nobody makes yandere snake x reader....... So that is why I'm making this....
Where exact were you? You had no idea... But you did know that you were in the clutches of a monster.
And sadly, this monster wasn't always one, for ounce upon a time you knew him.
He was known as Snake, he was a rare  hybrid. He used to be very lonely, as well as bullied all the time.
One day his 'father' started making him and his friends kidnap people, he used an orphanage as hostage so they had begrudgingly obliged even though they knew same we'll that it was wrong to kidnap small children.
And eventually, you were next on this horrific list. Only, things didn't turn out they way it should have.
Instead of enslaving you to your doom, he befriended you. Or so you thought. You see, the boy's feelings were purely innocent at first, however, as time progressed, they grew into something more. Unfortunately, when that had happened, the feelings for you had turn into a very unhealthy obsession with you.
You let out a few tears as you thought about the memories.
He had confessed to you one night, and without knowing just how out of hand it really was, you had accepted. You could hear his voice now, "dearest yn, I love you but their is something I must ask, I would do anything that's in best interest of you. Would you do the same for me?" How foolish it was, you couldn't see through that mask he had worn, but maybe... If you saw the twitch in his fingers, or perhaps the look in his eyes, would you have run? You probably wouldn't have. But you couldn't help but wonder, if you knew the dark intentions he had for you, would you have been able to escape his coils?
You let out a shakey breath, you were never alone now... Even if Snake wasn't here, his companions were. Goethe was around your neck right now, Goethe was poisonous, Goethe could choke you right now if you tried to leave or move him.
At the time you did what anyone else would have done in that situation, had they felt the way you had felt about him.
You had said "of course, I love you snake."
If only, if only you could escape, or if only he would change his ways. You would often times find yourself wondering what signs did he show you, that you had overlooked at the time. And now that you thought about it, it was the little things. The twitches, body language. Even so, you could not blame yourself for missing them.
You looked down to see Goethe staring intensely at your frowning face, he would most certainly report everything you did to snake. Normally you could hide your emotions but today you just couldn't. Snake would surely interrogate you about this, or rather, question you.
You heard the sound of a million locks unlocking.
He's back.
You shuddered remembering what he said that night. The night he took you away.
"-of course I would, I love you snake." He smiled warmly, "I need you to do something for me." "What is it snake?" You asked slightly worried for him . Snake has held you close, before darkly whispering in your ear,"Never leave me."  You looked at him confused about why he would use that tone of voice, but before you could question him, he forced himself on you. Sneaking a pull through the force kiss. It was then that you had blacked out and hearing these last words before completely losing consciousness,"I'm glad you understand that Im doing this for us."
Snake entered your line of sight, Goethe started hissing towards him. After a moment, snake extended his arm out, allowing Goethe to slither up his arm bore going over to hold you.
"Goethe told me that you were crying, what's wrong?" You start crying again and stuff your head within his chest, being mindful of the snakes of course, and you wrap your arms around him.
Despite everything, you could not being yourself to hate him. You still loved him.
"S-snake, you know I love you... I understand that you a-are just trying to protect me but how your doing it is s-scaring me." You say not daring to look with in his eyes. You felt his arms tighten around you with inhuman strength, you just knew what he was going to say....
"I know you love me, but I can't take the chance of you falling in love with anyone else, or having anyone else go anywhere near you. You belong with me and only me and that's final!" He said with a sharper tone at the end. You cried more into his jacket, he starts patting you and shushing you in what was supposed to be a comforting way. "But can't we go out somewhere outside like a normal couple?" He looked at you like a mother would to a child who wouldn't understand. "Yn, we aren't a normal couple, we can have a good time inside. It's to protect you" You now started to get ballsy, "are you saying that you can't? I don't that...... Are you embarrassed of me, so much that I can't go in public, with you?" Surprise a lit your lovers face at your words, seeing this as a chance, you continued your little speech. "Why don't we head out for a date? No one can destroy what we have that easily."You say trying to appease and convince him.
He looked at you thoughtfully,"I'm not at all embarrassed by you.... Do.... Do you really want this? To go out in public With me?" You managed a truthful smile, we this all because he thought you wanted someone defined as normal?
You finally managed to let out a chuckle, "of course! I love you, and everyone should be jealous that someone like me, he's someone as amazing as you!" Snake blushed a bit, and nodded his head a little "It is I, who should be lucky to have you..... But when we go out, you can't leave my side, not even for a second." He says in all seriousness.
You knew it was going to take a while, but one day, you will get him completely back. Back from that possessive monster that laid inside of him.

The end.

I hardly ever see a happy and to yandere so here we are!

One ShotOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora