tsundere male reader x gintoki

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Warning-gay/ very slight swearing!

That woman finally did it.
After all those threats, she finally decided to commit to those words after years and years of dealing with that man.
And by the way, the lady I'm talking about is his landlady.
The land lady who finally snapped and kicked Gintoki out of the small apartment.
If only he hadn't said those words, then maybe he would still be all cozy in that home of his, but knowing him, of course it happened.
Why wouldn't he be the cause of this?!
And that was what led to your current situation.
"Come on yn!" Gintoki whined.
"Why don't you stay at one of your other friends place?!" You shouted exasperated.
"I don't want to." The man stated out suddenly bored.
You let out a big sigh.
Normally you would have kicked him away from your property anyway, but unfortunately for you, a rainstorm was heading this way and you would've felt to sorry to leave him out in it.
Stupid feelings.
" Fine! But just for the night, and I mean it, one night only!"
Gintoki smiled and went inside your beloved home with a quick thanks.
"Don't get to comfortable, your sleeping on the couch." With that he started to whine. " but yyyyyyynnnnnn! Don't you have a spare bedroom?" "Not anymore!  I finally found a use for it and I'm not having you mess it up!" You say sharply.
The words appeared to stab gintoki, literally, little arrows stabbed through his stomach, you words written on them.
" What could you possibly be using it for, it was available yesterday wasn't it?!"
You smirk at this. " its my spare bedroom and I can do whatever I want with it, and if you must know, I'm looking for a flatmate to share rent with!" He gave a grossed out look. " What kind of person says flatmate?" A big tickmark appeared on the back of your head " a lot of people you jerk!" He scratched the back of his head, unfazed by your outburst.
" do you have anything to eat around here?" You cross your arms "hmph! I've got plenty to eat for me, you can just starve for all I care!" " aw come on yn, you don't mean that." He said in a as a matter of fact tone. " Yes I do." You say straight back at him. " Its bad enough your spending the night on my couch, I'm not gonna have you digging around my fridge you mooch!"  He stares at you simply before ounce again saying, "You don't mean that." And ounce again you say "Yes I do! You thickheaded moron! Just sleep on the couch so you can just go away in the morning!"
Gintoki walks over to you causing you to blush at his close proximity. "H-Hey what are you doing getting do close to me stupid!" You shout embarrassed.
He looks you dead in the eye with that blank stare of his. " if you really meant anything your saying then you would've let me out in the rain so don't be so stingy." Your blush deepens before you finally came up with what to say, " Don't act so cocky, I only let you in because I pitied you, I can always kick you back out again!" But gintoki ounce again expected this kind of outburst and had something prepared to say to you.
"I know you won't kick me out or let me starve, maybe you won't let me sleep in that extra bedroom of yours but I know that you'd feel too guilty to risk me catching a cold or to go hungry. I know this because you care about me." You frown,"There you go again, acting all cocky, as if you know me! Quit trying to act like I care about you because I don't!" You say before attempting to hit him, however that doesn't go as planned seeing as he caught your hand before it made any contact to his skin.
But instead of dropping your hand he instead pulled you closer. Because of this your tried to punch him with your other hand but it only made matters worse for you because he caught that hand and used it to help bring you even closer.
" what do you think your doing?!" You shouted angrily.
By he didn't say anything.
He did however put his forehead against yours effectively making you lose your train of thought, then proceeded to gently kiss you.
It was brief but it shook your senses to the very core, and you were speechless.
" you do care about me, you care about me very much." His voice seemed to bring you back to reality. " what the fuck gintoki?! Were both guys!" "So?" He said calmly " Why should we care about that? I know how you feel and now you know how I feel. You know that we feel the same towards each other so why do you push me away? What have you to be scared of? Its no one else's business so why should you care?" You blush, the two of you have been in these situations time and time again, but every time it always ends up with you pushing him away. " i-its just wrong." You mutter out. But gintoki doesn't take that as an excuse. "No, its not yn. People are allowed to love, its a human right. Its not against the law and even if it was I still wouldn't care. Just admit it already. I know you love me. I love you too." And that's what broke you. You ceased your struggling and leaned into him. He released your hands and opted for putting his arms around you. He took notice that you were shaking.
All this time, all this fight, it was for nothing. Time and time again you would find yourself in the confines of his arms, and you enjoyed it. You enjoyed it because it was with him, and that scared you. It scared you so much till you just wanted to pish him away again and the cycle would start ounce again. Maybe this time you could put the cycle to rest, and just enjoy the moment, and maybe, have a future with this man.
He gave up his denial long ago, maybe it was your turn to do so as well. For you happiness, for his happiness, for the both of you.
You sighed finally giving up to him, ounce again. Just like you always did after an argument. You knew what you were going to do, you would let him have his way and eat in your kitchen, spend the night and sleep in a bed. But of course the both of you knew he wouldn't just settle for any bed. It would have to be yours.
And this time you wouldn't fight it. You wanted it, and this time you'd admit it and let down your barriers.
" fine... You can spend the night and have whatever food and drink you want and even sleep in a bed, but on one condition." He rubbed your back, "Hmm?" You let out a shaky sigh.

" you have to stay in my bed for the night."

He smiled and pinched your bottom only for you to lightly slap his hand away.

" I wouldn't want it any other way."

I may or may not make a lemon in another chapter if I feel inspired enough.

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