Mad Hatter L x Alice reader

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         .. . .    Alice -!!



You woke with a start.
Now that you were finally alert from your daydreaming, you quickly snapped your head around to see who was calling you.
"Alice!" You snapped your head directly below the tree branch you were on, only to see the unwelcoming sight of your impatient, now red faced, older sister, Margaret.
You blushed, naturally feeling flustered at being caught daydreaming, especially since you were in the middle of your lesson.
How shameful!
(Lol, I do this at school all the time)
"Alice," your sister began patiently, although that hint of frustration in her voice did not go unnoticed by you, "Just what were you even doing? This is the fifth time this month that this has happened during your lesson, just what is going on inside that mind of yours?"
You would have looked down, but since that was the direction your sister was in, you opted to look to the side. "..I'm sorry Margaret.." You apologized in a small voice.
Margaret frowned and gave out a long sigh, as if trying to release all the tension that was within her. She looked back at you with a look of disapproval deep within her lovely, albeit disappointed, brown eyes.
"I'm not mad at you, I'm just frustrated because you keep zoning out, quite frankly I'm actually starting to get worried...  Now since as if late you haven't been able to focus, you might as well tell me what all this fuss is about so we can move on from this."
You sighed, but relented to your sister's wishes.
"Its just that I can't help but wonder, what if every thing that ever didn't make sense, would if we just looked at it in a different way."
You could see that Margaret was fighting the ever so strong urge to roll her eyes at you.
"Now what exactly do you mean by that? This is just a bunch of nonsense! Such a little thought disrupting your lessons! How ridiculous! Can't you see that it doesn't even matter? Especially when compared to your precious education. You have to learn how to be the perfect wife, that way, you can hopefully find a man above our class and raise our family status! For goodness sakes Alice! Do you want to grow up to be a savage? A heathen?"
(All my friends are heathens take it slow~)
you could feel the tears burn within your eyes but refused to show her any weakness.
How could react in such a way towards you? So what if it was just a thought, you found it important! How could she not even see the endless possibilities?
And it wasn't just that, you would never be able to even describe all the things that galloped about within your mind?
You fought your urge to not only cry, but to not fix a dark glare at her.
Instead opting to make a stiff upper lip.
Margaret must've noticed how harsh she was being when she saw the look on your face, because she instantly looked shamed and refused to meet your watery gaze.
"Look, I'm...." She paused and hesitated before starting over again.
"We shall continue this lesson later..." With that she quickly turned around
you as well turned, you needed to go and take a walk, to clear your mind.

Timeskip to the woods by your house~

You sighed for the umpteenth time. You didn't want to get married to some perverted snob, you had a bright future! Hahahaha.... Let's be honest, these times don't provide the best opportunities for women. Such a shame really. But if women were allowed a chance then maybe one day you wouldn't have to get married. Maybe you wouldn't even have to worry or care about ones own status. If only things could be backwards. You could do what you always dreamed of doing that your gender prevented you from being in these times.
Someone that brought justice to the world, to punish the guilty and protect the innocent, a police officer!
Maybe you could be the Watson to some genius Sherlock!
Because let's be honest, Watson is always the good way to go.
Hey, off topic but, you know that feeling you get when your walking down the stairs and you think that there's one more step than there actually is?
Well that is exactly what you were feeling now.
How could you miss a hole as big as that?!?! And more importantly, who would dig a hole as deep as this?!?! I mean you haven't even crashed to the ground yet!
Suddenly out the corner of your widened ec orbs, you saw floating furniture, decks of cards setting themselves out. You, naturally wanting to slow down grabbed whatever you could.
What you happened to grab was a cut frilly pink umbrella. And those with a fashion sense would definitely say that it didn't match the blue of your dress. However, looks aside the umbrella surprisingly seemed to slow the rate of your fall. But not enough as you crashed against the unforgiving tiles that had laid at the bottom of this pit.
"Ouchies" you say as you forced yourself to get up.
As you bring your self to your feet again you quickly take notice of your peculiar surroundings.
There seemed to be a table with a steaming cup of earl gray tea and a tiny square cake with the words 'Eat Me'. Upon taking a closer look at the elegant cup you could see a string attached to the handle which connected to a piece of parchment saying 'Drink Me'. Odd as it was you were quite parched from all that screaming so you decided to take a small cautious sip and placed the cake in your pocket. Immediately you shrunk! (Your clothes shrunk along with you too just to make things less complex) naturally you panicked for a moment. As you looked about luckily you saw a door that matched your size. Quickly you ran up to the door and attempted to open it.
It was locked.
You tried picking the lock.
It didn't work.
Just as you were about to give up hope you noticed a key on top of the table. Letting out a frustrated sigh you started to pace back and forth, what were you going to do?!
As you were pacing about when you had an idea.
If the drink made you shrink,(hee hee  it rhymed) then perhaps the cake would make you grow. You tentivaly ate a medium sized piece only to shoot up in growth! Your head touched the chandelier that was above the small round table, and your clothes barely fit you making you look scandalous.
You took the now tiny key and placed it securely in your pocket. Before taking another sip of the fragrant liquid.
After doing so naturally you had shrunk ounce again. Maybe a sorceress placed a potion inside both the cake and tea?
Shaking your head you gently placed the key withing the key hole and gave it a slow turn. Hearing a small click you smiled in satisfaction. Surely this door would lead somewhere. It was worth the shot seeing as there was no where else to go. And its not like people go around looking for holes to see if anyone fell in.
When you fully stepped outside the door you took yet another bite of the cake to gain your size back and placed it in your pocket just in case.
Having no clue as to just where you could be you decided to try and call out for someone.
"Hello? Is there anyone out there? I need some help!"
Suddenly you heard something amongst the brush..
"Hello? Is someone there?"
Just as you asked a man in a suit with white rabbit ears popped out.
You jolt out of surprise but of course you head on over.
The man looks back, scoffs muttering the words delete before hopping off.
Offended you start running after him, angrily shouting all the while.
Unfortunately you look around and realise that you lost him.
Great, just great!
Now you were even more lost than you were before!
Here's the good news, and here's the bad news.
The good news is that there was a sign.
The bad news was that it said 'Mad Hatter'. But it was better than just sitting here.
Hopefully he wouldn't be nearly as rude as that bunny rabbit jerk! (Sorry for crapping on a character but its part of the story)
as you follow the direction the sign had pointed out you come across a clearing.
In said clearing there was a large table filled with sugary treats and empty seats. (Tee hee, more rhymes!) At the very end however there sat a man. Could this be the mad hatter?
He was very handsome. He had a very fancy matron red suit on along with a matching top hat with fancy peacock feathers tucked in its ribbons.
But it didn't seem to fit in with his spiky black hair, bad sitting posture, and dark bags that lied underneath his eyeballs.
He raised an eyebrow and stated "No room."
Seriously, was this forest filled with rude people?!?
A scowl set itself firmly onto your features.
"Okay Mr.Tophat, if there's really no room then why do you have a bunch of empty chairs out here?!"
He simply rose an eyebrow "Assuming that I am not waiting for my pre invited guests you would be correct."
Your frown only seemed to deepen. "Fine, be that way." You say as you turn around. Ready to leave despite your previous agenda.
"Wait." You turn around, "you may have a seat." "I thought there were no more seats left." You say sarcastically. He chose not to reply back.
You sit directly in front of him. You would have drank some tea to soothe your throat from all that sprinting, but, all the cups were filled with so much sugar, it might as well be slush. Gross. You were too afraid to chance upon eating any of the treats in front of you either.
"What's your name?" "Alice." You reply smoothly. "No its not." He stated abruptedly. You look up from your lap to his face. "Parden?" You say confused. "Your name. Its not Alice." (Sorry if it actually is just roll with it) "yes it is." You say ready to argue with this strange hat guy. "No, its yn." The moment that name spilt out of his mouth you couldn't help but feel it was strikingly familiar to you. "Are you trying to tell me that I don't even know my own name sir?"
He took a long slurp of his sugary beverage, and stared back at you, his dark eyes boring into you. "No, you just don't remember it?" "What are trying to say?! My name is Alice Kingsley and I'm lost in these woods! Could you just point the way back to the Kingsley mansion, surely you should know where it is right? Please I just want to go home.." You say desperate at this point. The man looks at you, seconds pass before he sighs and gives you a slight look of pity. "Have a strawberry." He motions toward a bowl full of chocolate dipped strawberries covered in fancy designs in front of you. You follow his advise in an attempt to calm yourself down. It works, only slightly though.
"My name is L Lawliet, but around these parts I'm known as the Mad Hatter, your not in your own realm any more, yn. This world has its own rules, rules that don't follow yours. You should know that by now, how else can you be here?" "W-What?" You ask in near tears. "Yn, you are no longer in London, your not even in england anymore. This is Wonderland." With this you started to cry, were you not to ever see your family again? I mean sure society was a bitch but it was still home.
A hand stops your shoulders from quaking. You look to L's hand up to his face. You could actually see the kindness within his eyes.
"If there's a way in there's a way out." He places a strawberry in your hand. "Don't worry yn, everything is going to be okay, tell me, before this what did you want most in life?" You let a sniffle, " I wanted to be a police officer, one that could work alongside the worlds greatest detectives." You say sadly,"but it would never work out." "Why not?" You wipe your eyes with a napkin,"because I am a woman." L turns your chair to face him, "you can leave this place and be a police officer anytime you want to yn." "How?" L smiled and kissed your hand making you blush.


You woke with a start, only to realize you were stuck watching old surveillance cameras with your hot boss, well technically he was watching it by himself up until now considering that you were sleeping. You couldn't even recall what you were dreaming about in the first place. All you knew was that L was in it and he looked sharp.
"You should go to bed yn." A monotone voice drawls out. You look over at him, "sorry for dozing off on you, you sure you want me to go?" L looked over to you, "yes, your going to need your rest for tomorrow. besides, I was thinking about going to bed soon anyways." You smile, he could be so nice to you. "Oh and yn." He called no less than two seconds later. You slightly turn to face him. "Yeah?" "Try not to hog all the covers this time."

'I take it back, he's definitely a jerk!'

Completed at 11:38 pm been stored in the vault for awhile, please let me know in the comments if its as good as my last ones and if not, if you could point out the change that would be very helpful since I can't see any for myself but I know its there. Thank you and I hope you enjoyed this!

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