Attacked Whilst Sleeping

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Killua's P.O.V.

Saki's smiles were beginning to get on my nerves.

There was something unnatural about them, like she knew what a smile was, and what muscles to contract to perform one, but it was like she didn't even know what they meant.

I doubt she'd ever done a real smile in her life.

It wasn't the same as when people forced a smile to conceal true emotions, to her it seemed that smiling was another necessary bodily function, like blinking or breathing.
She definitely didn't smile to convey joy, like a smile is supposed to.

My gaze strayed to her perch at the edge of the games room.
She'd made herself very comfortable, pulling a blanket and a thermos out of her backpack and wrapping herself with the cloth as she sipped broth leisurely.

One would think she was huddled in a freezing cave, but it was plenty warm in the airship.

'She's so strange,' I thought.
'And that's coming from me, the trained assassin at age twelve.'

Her eyes had a glazed look as she watched Netero as through a haze.

'Seems she's not over her travel sickness then... Although she has improved since the last fiasco on the airship.'

I almost laughed as I reminisced her expression when I told her she'd sprinted into the boy's bathroom. Despite her upbringing, she seemed to understand that kind of thing is seen as publicly unacceptable.

I chuckled lowly as I imagined her writing 'must not go into boy's bathroom' on her silly little notepad.

My thoughts were interrupted as Netero has finished speaking.

"I'll go first," I said with finality, beginning a slow walk around the chairman.

As my after-images trailed behind me, I snuck a glance at Saki to see her expression.

I pouted and gained a small irk mark as I noticed she had pulled out her laptop and was typing furiously without watching the game.

It was with this annoyance that I charged Netero, expecting to pluck the ball from his hand with ease as he was distracted by my display.

But to my greater annoyance, he dodged with abnormal speed, proceeding to dodge all further attempts after that.

I slowly became more annoyed until I found myself sliding along the floor, swinging my leg with almost full power to smash his leg to pieces.

I collided with a loud crack and silence ensued with only the clicking of keys in the background.

My confident smirk slowly turned into a grimace as I leapt back, clutching at my shin and hopping in pain.

"His leg is as hard as rock!" I exclaimed, tears in the corner of my eyes.

Claps rung out into the silence and we all spun our heads to stare at Saki.

"What're you applauding for," I grumbled,
"You didn't even watch..."

She looked taken aback, emotional even,
"I've been watching the entire thing! I've even written a report detailing every move you and Netero-san made!
I can tell you for a fact that Netero hasn't yet used his right hand or left leg."

I blinked and stared at Netero who shrugged.

I looked at her skeptically, wondering how she could've watched without looking with her eyes, then Gon interrupted as he jumped up and high-fived me.

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