Chapter II

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Turns out Samson was taking a shower in the Girl's Locker Room. He was in the middle of conditioning when Lila Harrington walked into the Locker Room. She forgot her phone in her gym locker. They both screamed and shrieked. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!" Lila said, well, shrieked. "I was about to ask the same about you", Samson said, peeking his head out from behind the shower. "The Boy's Locker Room smells like death but, *sniff* the Girl's Locker Room smells like a cheesy commercial where someone is galavanting through fields with flowers flying everywhere", Samson Said. "Would you be a dear and toss me that towel", Samson said with a smug look on his face. "Ugh, here", Lila said, throwing the towel at Samson's face. *OOMPH* Lila was looking at some stupid cat poster when...
"GOTTA PEE GOTTA PEE GOTTA PEE!" Kenna said, rushing into the Girl's Locker Room to pee. Samson grabbed Lila and pulled her under the counter so they were out of Kenna's sight. Once Kenna left, Samson came out from under the counter and helped Lila out.
"Samson", Samson said, putting his hand in front of Lila so she could shake it. "Wow. What a gentleman", Lila said sarcastically. Lila hopped up onto the counter and stretched her legs out. "So who was that?" Samson said, leaning against the mirror with his legs stretched out. "Kenna, she has a bladder the size of a squirrel's", Lila said. They talked for a good 20 minutes. They talked, that is, until the tornado touched down. Samson pulled Lila close to him under the counter.

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