002. Heartbroken Hero

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002. Special Chapter -  Heartbroken Hero

 "Yuri-ah, its Sunny's birthday soon.. What could be the best gift for her?"

 "Functionality aspects of th-" Yuri was busy typing scribbles on her holo-pad.

 "Yuri! Come on listen.." This time Yuri turned her attention to her friend. "S-sorry Soo.. What were you asking again?"

 "Sunny's birthday present, any suggestions genius?" Sooyoung sat on the revolving chair in front of Yuri.

 "Hmm.. A new pair of heels!" Yuri suggested fast. After a short while she laughed. "That can’t be! I'm sure she has tons of those! Haha!" Yuri continued on laughing making Sooyoung annoyed.

 "You're not helping Yuri..."

 "Ok okay! H-ha.. I just don’t know what Sunny likes, I think you know her more than I do." Yuri turned her AGchair to look outside. "A vacation, maybe?" Yuri suggested. Sooyoung took time to think for a while. "Uhh.. No.. We went to Hawaii last Sunday.." Sooyoung disagreed.

 "A new dress?"

 "Bought that for her the other day.."

 "A new gadget?"

 "She's not so into those.."

 Yuri rubbed her chin thinking deeper on more suggestions, Sooyoung patiently waited for her friend's response and suddenly Yuri came up with something.

 "Marry her, Soo." Yuri stood up looking outside.

 "You two have been together ever since Seohyun and I fell apart. And m-maaan do I have to suffer watching you two become so sweet when I was currently brok-"

 "Thanks Yul! Gotta go bye!" Sooyoung cut Yuri's recall of her depression in the past. Sooyoung hurriedly left Yuri's office without Yuri even saying goodbye.

 "Woah.. G-goodluck my friend."

 Seeing her friend had left, Yuri resumed her work on her desk once again. "Okay where was I?" She asked herself. "Ah! The functions.."

 For an hour Yuri wrote and drew things related to her work. She was so absorbed to it that she refused any calls from her secretary. But there was one call she cannot avoid or miss.


 "What time are you coming home, honey?" Yuri recieved a phonecall from her wife, Seohyun. "Hmm about six'o'clock.? I need to fetch Hyunki as well."

 "Why are you so cold to me, lately?"

 "I'm quite busy, we'll talk later."

 "Y-Yu-" Yuri hang up on her wife. After she put her phone down to her desk, Yuri sighed.

 "How long do I have to be like this to her?" Yuri leveled all her weight on her chair. She looked at the ceiling pre-occupied as her attention was not in her work anymore.

 "Yul-daddy, when can I play with Hae Rin and Yeon Hee again?" Yuri's little girl, Hyunki asked her as Yuri drived her car. "Maybe this weekend if your umma allows you."

 "Hmm.. Are you two arguing again appa?" The kid comfortable lied on the back seat by herself.

 "Yaah! Hyunki-ssi, didn't I tell you? Not to listen to adult conversation!" Yuri softly scolded the kid. "Okay Yul-appa. Anyways.. My teacher asked me to give you this.."

 The kid took her box gadget and clicked it twice. It opened and she took out a photo.


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