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Chapter 91 - Realization Effect P1

 We're getting closer to the end. T____T Thank you guys for reading Yuri-Effect, the final chapters are coming now. And it starts with Realization Effect part 1; stay tuned and enjoy my chosen ending. Glad it came to this point, seriously this is a long fic eh?

 Anyways oh happy reading!

 Walking around their neighborhood on her own, Yuri stopped by a nearby river to watch the night sky. Yuri was still waiting for Jessica's call; she wonders what her love was doing. She hoped Jessica is alright and fine though.

 "Hey.." Someone tapped Yuri on the right shoulder. Yuri quickly turned to look at who it was.

 "You're.. Yuri right?" It was a man in a white coat.

 "Uh..?" Yuri doesn't know this person so she didn't answer back. Yuri backed away a bit from this suspicious man.

 "Wo-woah wait Yuri! I-I won't hurt you!" The man waved his hands, and backed a little too. "I guess you don't know me yet do you?" The man said.

 "Let me guess.. You're from the future?" Yuri had a hint, with what this man wore, his talk and look; he might have been from somewhere else.

 "Bingo!" The man smiled. He had a thick rimmed eye glasses, his hair was grey and it was brushed up.

 "I'm Dr. Alex Han. You're partner from the future." Dr. Han introduced himself to Yuri. Yuri was still suspicious of this person. "Why are you here?" So she asked.

 "I just traveled back to see this river once again." He looked around the river, the moonlight was reflecting on its water. "Then I happen to bump into you.. I already knew you by the way you stand!" He proudly smiled at Yuri.

 "Did something happen to the river in the future?" Yuri asked and she looked at the river.

 "Yes. In the future, this river is dried. But in our next project, using your invention; we plan to stop that from happening." Dr. Han put his hands on his waist, showing off his proud attitude.

 "That's good." Yuri smiled, Dr. Han looked at Yuri.

 "You seem different from the future you.. Future you is more playful and hyper.. You seem less and.. Bothered." Dr. Han observed Yuri's quiet behavior. Yuri only smiled, she was going through a hard time and to be her usual playful self was hard to do so.

 "Sir, what am I in the future?" Yuri asked.

 "Well you are a Chemical Engineer of the Hwang family." Dr. Han replied.

 "How come, you remember the future? Traveling time has effects of some memory loss right?" It came to Yuri the words of her kids. Dr. Han sat down the ground, he smiled. "I'm your partner remember? You gave me your latest model. The one without the memory loss, Yuri-ssi.." He explained so. But a conclusion was made into Yuri's mind now.

 "Wait? I invented a-a t-time traveling machine?" Yuri eagerly asked Dr. Han, the man laughed at Yuri.

 "Bingo! And you are working on it right now, right?"

 "Wh-what? I-I don't even like Science, how can someone like me invent something like that?" Yuri was so confused about this future of hers.

 "Hmm.. At this year you're around 18 right? You should have some leads on the apex formula of th-" Dr. Han stopped when he saw Yuri doesn't get anything from what he said. "Maybe a bit more days, you'll be interested in Science!" Dr. Han smiled yet he looked so confused on why Yuri is really different, from what she is supposed to be.

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