my little princess - 1

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i woke up at 7 am to lux moving around as soon as i saw her looking at me i smiled , she took her dummy out her mouth and went to speek 

"mowning zwanie"

"morning princess you have a good sleep"

"weah ! " 

i smiled at her reply , i saw that she was moving around uncomfatbley , so i figuerd that she could do with a change , i took her to the changing room where i laid her on a table and changed her nappy and put her into a new all in one that was cream with pink polka dots on it . she grabbed her blanket and rhino to as we walked back into the loud room , i placed her back into her crib and walked off to the kichen to get her bottle . 

I walked back to where her crib was and sat down with lux in my arms holding the bottle as she drank in quite fast . once she had finished the bottle i burped her and placed her back into her crib.  

I walked round the loud room feeding all the other babys and changing them , in all this took me about 2 hours as there where about 20 small children . after i had done i walked into the office to see miss redford , the orfange lady , sat at the desk . 

" ah morning zayn " 

" morning "

" so today is the day when the babys foster pearents or some volenters come and take the babys out for the day "

" ahh thats nice "

" you will be taking out one of the babys that hasnt been taken by a volenter or foster family "

" ok thats cool who am i taking out ? "

" its between lily , jackson and hollie "

" ok ill go with lily "

" ok shes in the quiet room "

" ok thanks "

i walked into the quiet room and found lily , she had curly brown hair and green eyes , she was wearing a pair of leggings and a tee shirt , i picked her up and went to change her nappy . when i had finished i went back to her cot where there was miss redford .

" ahh zayn there you are , sorry i got mixed up lily has a family "

" ahh ok well here she is " 

i passed lily to the lady who was her foster mum and she walked off with her , since all the other babys had been taken out i went back to my room . i was on my phone messaging my friend Niall when the buzzer for the loud room went off , i thorght it had got mixed up so i went into the loud room to hear crying , i walked passed all the cots , no babys ? 

i walked to the end of the room and blamed it on the buzzer systm being old , when out of the corner of my eye i saw little lux in her cot in just a nappy again crying 

" baby girl what happend "

" z zwanie i gone pee pee "

" oh princess come on lets go change you yeah "

" otay " 

i took lux to the changing room and changed her . 

" lux did you take your onzie off ? "

" yeawh it itchy "

" ok well since no one has taken you out do you want me too "

" ewwmmm i dont go out i not aloud too "

" how come princess "

" i cawlled deviwl chiwld "

" oh baby girl come on its ok ill take you out "

" otay fank you zwanie "

" its ok princess "

i changed lux and picked up one of the left over baby bags . i went back to my room and picked up my phone and wallet . i went back to reception and sat lux in one of the many baby car seats and clicked it into one of the matching prams . i put the baby bag into the the small basket type thing under the pram and pushed the pram with lux in outside . i locked the door and started to push the pram down the road towards the shops and park . 

we first stopped and the ice cream shop , i pushed the pram into the shop and took lux out of the pram letting her pick her flavour , she picked a cup or vanilla and i picked chocolate . we sat down and ate our ice cream , then i wiped her tiny little hands and mouth which was still red raw and laid her back into the pram .

next stop was the park , i once again took lux out of the pram showing her the ducks , i had taken some bread with us so i let her feed the ducks , she loved it so much she started giggleing and smiling which made me smile back at her . 

as i went to put lux into the pram a lady came up too me 

" stay strong , its not easy being a single pearent , especilly at a young age like you , your doing a amazing job well done "

" im- " 

before i could reply she walked off , was i like a dad  ? was i that good with lux ? could i be a dad ? a million questions ran through my head . 

it was now around 3pm , so i pushed the pram back towards the orfanage . we stopped  at the toy store and i took lux in , i let her pick out a new toy since she only had one. she ended up picking out a small little giraffe that she called ' quack ' since she had seen the ducks today . 

When we got back to the home no one was in still so i unlocked the door and left the pram and seat in the reception where they where kept , and i put down the baby bag too .

i carryed lux back to my room since she was asleep and it was closer than where her cot was. i placed her down on my bed ontop of her blanket and i covered her with my duvet . i placed her rino toy and 'quack' the giraffe next to her , i moved the stray hairs out of her face and placed a kiss on her forehead . i moved her dummy from her lips to make sure the didnt get too sore . 

when i removed it i saw that her lips and around them where blisterd and where red raw , i grabbed some lip balm that was on my desk and put a bit on my finger and i smoothed it on her lips and around them , i could see that they looked better now . 

i walked out of my room and to the recption where all the files where kept , i grabbed lux's and took it back to my room 


name - lux 

D.O.B - 24.3.12

reason for being at the home - 

abusive family , starved , left alone for weeks at a time 


i couldnt beleave what i read , she had been abused , no wonder why she wouldnt talk to people , i was gonna make it my mission to help lux , to keep her safe to protect her and give her the best childhood and life she could .

She was my little princess 

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