i think im in love - 5

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last lesson : maths : Mr Depot 

I was sat in maths when the door opened and closed , ididnt bother looking becuase i thorght it was the useawel person who was late , or just a teacher , that was untill Mr Depot spoke .

" ahhh yesyouve moved into this class  mr errrmmm" 

" Styles my names Harry Styles sir " 

" yes yes Mr Styles you can go sit next to Malik, Zayn Malik over there please "

" Ofcorse " 

The new boy came and sat next to me , he had just been moved down a set from higer maths to lower where i was 

" hey " 

" h hey " 

" so your zayn "

" yeah you must be harry "

" aha yeah " 

by the end of the lesson , which was last lesson , me and harry had kind of become good friends . it turned out that harry lived up the road from the home so since it was raining i offered to give him a lift home , plus his car was back at his house . broken . 

" you got a baby sister ? "

" no why you say that " 

" the pink car seat in the  back of your car kinda gives it away " 

" oh yeah thats lux's " 

" lux ? , sister ? couison ? daughter ? "

" haha oh no hehe shes kinda like my baby sister not by blood though " 

" oh haha ok " 

" im going to pick her up from nursery you wanna come , its on the way home "

" yeah if thats ok with you "

" hehe its fine " 

We pulled up outside Lux's nursery and me and harry got out . we walked into the nursery where as soon as i walked in lux saw me . 


" hehe hey baby girl"

i said as i picked lux up and set her on my hip . lux didnt say anything , she just looked at Harry , up and down. 

" this is harry , zaynies friend " 

lux didnt say anything , she just his her face in my neck , harry just smiled ,from then on lux didnt say a word . 

We pullled up outside harrys place , it was a small little house 

" here we are , you live alone ? " 

" hehe yeah and no , i live with my older sister gemma nad my mum "

" thats cool right ill see you tommorow , oh here have my number , call me if you ever need a lift "

" oh yeah thanks " 

We got home after dropping harry and i took lux straight into our room , and i put her down on my bed , i sat down next too her and she looked straight into my eyes . 

" princess why didnt you speak when harry was here ? "

" h h h hwe dwiffwent " 

" i i s this becuase hes new "

" weah he wook scawry twoo "

" hehe i promise hes nice , next time you see harry will you be nice to him for me ? "

" w weah i will twy , w why i swee hawwy agwain ? "

" yeah i think you might be seeing alot more of him baby girl " 

" why ? "

" becuase i think im in love with him baby girl " 




ooooo how exciting harrys in there ?



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- will harry and zayn  get together 

- will harry have a little brother or sister that zayn doesnt know about 

- will harry have a child 

- will harry leave zayn 

mollie x 

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