New Life - 12

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Liams POV ( haha didnt expect that did you :) )

I ran to my car softly placing Lux in the back in her car seat that i had in my car from Poppy , i then put the bags in the back and got in the car quickly starting it and driving off , as i pulled out of the drive i saw harry running out the apartment block with poppy in his arms shouting at me with hannah behind him crying , yeah i felt bad but , all i want is my baby girl back , hannah got hers i want mine . 

" daddy where we go " Lux asked from the back of the car 

" where going to wolverhampton baby to see grammy and grandad , daddys mummy and daddy , and aunty ruth and aunty nicola " i said as i took a left , heading towards wolverhapton , or home as i call it 

" taye " 

" theres doggys too babe you like dogs " 

" woof woof " lux replied with as she giggled at me in the mirror 

" yeah thats right darling doggy goes woof woof " 


( still liams POV .... )

Once we had arrived at my mum and dads lux had fallen asleep , i had stooped half way to get lunch and to change lux and give her a bottle so i called them explaining everything about lux and what had happend and that i was coming up to stay for a bit , and as useawel it was fine since i dont go home alot since i now live , or lived in london with hannah and poppy 

"  liam baby boy oh my luxie " 

" haha hi mum , yeah this is lux " 

" shes such a big girl now awww bless her , ive missed her and you too baby boy  " 

" me too mum me too but i got her back now , and im not a baby mum im 20  " 

" yeah you have sweet heart , but no matter what you will be my baby boy , come on lets get you two inside , you can stay in your room , do you want your dad to sent up the spair bed in your room for lux ? "

" no she will be fine in my bed with me , since its a big doubble  " 

" ok come on kettles on , the girls will be back soon there out shopping for this little one " mum said as she simled at mux and kissed her head 

I laughed at mums comment and carefully picked lux up and took her in the house and sat her on the sofa walst i went back to retreave the bags from the boot of my car , when i walked back in dad was sat on the sofa with lux on his knee talking to her 

" woof woof " 

" thats right princess doggy goes woof woof , what does the kitty say " dad said as lux moved her hands to her head to pretend she had cat ears 

" mmmeeeeoowwwwwwww " 

" haha well done what does daddy say " 

" ewwmmmmmmm lwuxie ma pwincess " lux giggled as she tryed to flex nd show off her pretend mussles 

" haha awww cute " dad said as he played with lux a bit more 

" dwaddee hat " 

" huh " 

" oh she likes to wear my snap backs , here princess " 

" tah " lux said as she put the massive snap back on her head so it covered her eyes 

" lwuxie ma pwincess , i wi wi wi wi " lux said walst giggle trying to pretend to be me , this is what happy was 

I handnt had happy in a lond time , but i was glad i had it back 

i had found my happy 

my happy was Lux 





hope you enjoyed that chapter , sorry if it was to meah , i just wanted a filler chapter that was fluff haha x 


i hope to write like 10 / 20 more chapters for this book so dont worry aha x 


i have a new book coming out soon so watch out for that , by the time this is up it might be out so yeah :) go check it out its called My life :) go follow me too so you will get notified when i update any of my books or publish a new one :)

what will happen next ? 

- will hannah and harry find liam and lux 

- what will zayn say about liam taking his luxie 

- should hannah and harry get together 

- how will this affect lux , will she ask about zayn harry and hannah 

- will lux tell liam that hannah and harry had a " sleepover " 

- what will happen to poppy , will she stay with harry , or hannah 


Mollie x 

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