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"Creativity is intelligence having fun." - Albert Einstein


"SO ARE YOU COMING or not?" I ask, quickly getting impatient.

"Uh I don't know Harper.. I don't exactly want to go to jail yet you know," he replies jokingly. "Plus my parents are downstairs watching a movie," he adds in a tone that suggests it's a romance.

I glance at my bedside table seeing the flashing 12:05 from my alarm clock sending a soft red tinge across my room.

"Just sneak out pass them, it's no big deal." I tell him as I hear a sudden noise come from downstairs. Probably just mum getting herself a glass of water before bed, she's been doing that for quite a while now.

"No big deal!" he exclaims from the other end of the line. "My parents will ground me if they find out I've gone out somewhere at this time on a school night, and especially with you.." I hear him gulp.

I roll my eyes at the baby, also known as one of my best friends here in this stupid stinken town, the other being Faye.

"Come on Calum, I need you to be the get away driver," I whine. "All you have to do is be on the lookout while I do it and then drive us back home before four," I remind him.

On the other end I can hear him taking a deep breath and I know he's thinking about it. With one hand holding the phone to my ear, I walk over to my wardrobe and get the little black bag out.

"Fine I'll be your look out and driver but you're buying me Mc Donald's on the way back," he hisses and I hear a door open on his end.

I do a silent happy dance on the spot as I don't want to be busted already without even leaving the house.

If only I still had the keys to my car then I wouldn't need to pester Calum to be my driver. But Andrew, my mothers annoying boyfriend, took my keys away last week because he caught me sneaking out on one of my little midnight drives.

"Yay!" I say smiling. "Thank you Calum, and don't worry you'll get your cheeseburger with extra cheese."

"I better. I'll pick you up in ten," he mumbles before the phone goes dead in my hand.

I slide my phone into my back pocket as I swing the black bag onto my shoulders. Everything I need is already in my bag so I grab a hair tie instead and pull my long dark hair into a loose ponytail using the mirror for reference.

"It's time for a little fun," I whisper to my mirror-self, winking.


"Are you nearly done yet?" Calum calls out from his post beside the stairs. I've lost count of how many times he's asked this question already: five, ten, maybe fifteen. I glance over at his tall frame before looking up at my masterpiece.

"Nearly!" I yell back as I add my signature, a little silver starfish in the corner. "What do you think?" I ask him as I take a step back to admire it. I like how I've managed to pull off the fancy lettering and the swirls this time; the gold paint is still wet and it shines in the dim lighting.

"It actually looks really cool Harper. Although I do wish you'd do it on paper instead of on a sub-way station wall.."

I turn to face my best friend, and give him my best 'does it look like I give a damn' look.

"But I think it looks better here," I shrug as I drop the gold and silver tins back into my bag, before zipping it up. "And everyone who passes by will see it, unlike if it was just stuck in my notebook all day rotting away under my bed."

"It wouldn't rot under your bed Harper," he points out and I glare up at him. Don't get me wrong, I love my friend but sometimes his know-it-all attitude gets on my nerve. "But you're right about people seeing it. I don't think anyone can possibly miss it," he adds putting his hands in his front pockets.

I take my phone out of mine, and zoom in on the artwork. I'll show Faye in school today, that's if she even decides to show up though, if not I'll just send it to her later.

"Good, I want people to see it." I tell him truthfully as I put my phone back away.

"You do know that one of these days you're going to get caught, right?" Calum says as he follows me up the stairs.

"Nope." I say making sure to pop the p, as I glance out across the street.

It's awfully dark out here now, with the only light source coming from the moon above us.

"What do you mean nope?" he cries frantically forgetting where we are.

I turn around to face him, hands on my hips as I narrow my eyes at his light grey ones.

"Do you want us to get caught?" I ask him annoyed.

He shakes his head, his eyes wide.

"Good then stay quiet will you."

I glance down the street once more before running across the road. Calum stays quiet this time as he follows closely behind me, meeting at our get away vehicle.

I watch as he stands there beside me, looking left to right then left again. It's like he's waiting for someone to spot us and rattle us both out to the cops.

"Are you going to open the doors?" I inquire as I hear a sudden loud noise start a few blocks from us.


Ah shit, the cops! As soon as Calum hears them too, his eyes widen in panic as he scrambles to find the keys that are in his pockets. If it wasn't for the situation we were in right now, I would've tried to take a picture of his poor alarmed face.

"Great, just great. I knew I shouldn't have come," he says over and over as we both climb in quickly once he's found the key.

I throw my bag over the seat as I put my seat belt on, safety first.

Calum now has his seatbelt on too I notice and has the car started but instead of driving, he's staring dead ahead of us in shock.

"Just drive Calum!" I tell him as I glance behind us looking for the familiar flashing of red and blue lights.

But the streets still pitch black and continues to be, all the way back to my house.

"I hate you!" is the first words out of Calum's mouth when we come to a stop outside my place.

"Ah no you don't, you love me." I remind him as I get out grabbing my bag from the back.

"No I'm pretty sure I hate you!" he repeats turning to watch me.

I roll my eyes as I close the side door quietly.

"I love you too Calum," I say as I use my free hand to mess with his blonde locks. As he pushes my hand away in annoyance, I bump his nose and laugh as his glasses fall down and sit crocked on the tip of his nose.

"Leave me alone!" he grumbles but I see the smile he's trying to hide as he slides the glasses back up. "Goodnight Harp."

"It's actually morning you idiot," I tell him laughing as I beginning walking up the path towards the front door.

"Oh right.. well I'll see you in a few hours," he replies and I wave goodbye.

Looking down at my watch, I see that it's a quarter to four already. Well damn looks like I'm only going to get a few hours of sleep before school.


Hii my little cookies,
welcome to my latest story Annoyances, Accents and Heartaches (updates will be every Monday). I'll admit that probably the first few chapters will be a little boring and not as exciting but isn't that like most stories anyway haha

Don't forget to hit that vote button and why not write a comment too, did you know you can follow me to keep upto date with my stories =)

Amy xo

[ the image on the side is by: me ]

Annoyances, Accents and Heartaches ✘Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz