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"That's the problem with being the strong one. No one offers you a hand." - m.t.


"GOOD MORNING HARPER sweetie, how did you sleep?"

I groan as I walk into the kitchen the next morning, my feet dragging along the floor.

I am feeling a little groggy from the lack of sleep the past few nights because of my little midnight adventures. I think I mumble something like 'muhging' or something along the lines but I can't be sure.

"Someone seems a little tired this morning," comments Andrew looking up from this mornings paper.

At least I think it's this mornings paper anyways and then I groan again realising he is here.

"Honey how about you sit down and rest, you've been on your feet all morning," he goes on to tell my mother.

"I have to get this finished before the baby's due Andrew," she argues her cheeks looking a little flushed. 

I look over at what she's doing and nearly burst out in laughter at the sight of my petite mother with a hand on her large belly and another holding a hammer. I roughly look at the sheet of paper in front of her on the table, it's instructions to set up a baby cot.

"I told you I'll set it up in the room this Saturday when my shift finishes Belle," Andrew tells her.

I get the strong urge to hit him over the head, but I don't because I know mum will just yell at me. He's promised to set the cot up for the last two weeks, but always has something more important to do when he has time off work.

Like the first excuse was 'oh sorry love, I forgot I need to pick up something for our neighbours', 'Sorry sweetie, I just got called back into work' and the latest being 'I left something in my work car that can't wait'. Like seriously!

"And when Saturday comes you're just going to blow it off again," I can't help but say. Andrews sharp green eyes find mine from across the table. "Like you always do."

"Harper." Mum warns glancing at the both of us.

"No mum, it's true!" I say loudly, ignoring the fact that I need to head to school in five minutes. "Like seriously how many times can you forget things at work, or need to pick up shit for our neighbours?" I exclaim.

I notice Andrew is starting to look a little anxious, fidgeting with his hands and I see a single bead of sweat appear on his forehead.

"I'm a forgetful person Harper, your mother knows that," he answers gesturing to her by his side.

I want to grab her by the shoulders and shake her, tell her that there's something going on but instead I deeply sigh.

"Yeah right!" I roll my eyes as I stand up, pushing my chair away from the table.

"Harper apologise to him, young lady." Mum says crossing her arms above her stomach, and tapping her foot impatiently.

Why do parents always tap their feet? Are they programmed to always do this when their child doesn't want to apologise or admit to something or someone?

"And why should I?" I fume. My mother groans and touches the side of her head with her hand.

"Because you're obviously accusing him of something!" she snaps.

"It's alright Belle, she's just trying to look out for you," Andrew says taking her hand in his. I glare at his back that's turned away from me, how dare he try to help me out here!

"No it's not alright Andrew!" she cries. "I'm sick of her attitude lately and especially how she's been acting towards you. I just wish she would act like a good normal teenager for once."

"Maybe the reason why I don't act like a good normal teenager is because my father died two years ago and you're already here with this asshole." I yell pointing to Andrew. "Not to mention you're also pregnant with his child and to make things worse.. you're due on dad's birthday."

My chest is getting tighter and tighter with each word that comes out my mouth and I feel like I can hardly get the much needed air into my lungs. Mum nor Andrew speak and the room falls into a dead silence.

"It's like you've already forgotten him," I whisper throwing it out into the open.

"No Harper that's..." mum tries to say quickly.

But I don't hear the rest of her explanation or excuse because I'm already out the door and running.


"You're in your pyjamas?" laughs Faye sliding into the seat beside me, her shoulder touching mine. I move away slightly as her long dyed blonde hair tickles the bare skin on my arms.

"No one told me it was pyjama day today," complains Calum jokingly as he takes the seat opposite me.

"It's not." I tell him looking down at my pale hands, turning them over.

"Why are your eyes puffy?" asks Faye not missing anything. "Have you been crying?" she demands turning me around to face her. I shrug.

"Harper," Calum begs nudging my foot with his under the table.

"Okay maybe I have been, so what?" I cry trying to wipe away any tears that were still on my cheeks.

"So what! Who made my girl cry?" Calum depends, his grey eyes turning a shade darker. Faye nods her head too, waiting for me to tell them.

"It was..."

"Are you number 201?" a fourth voice buts in. The three of us look up seeing a boy around fifteen holding a tray in front of him.

"Yeah that's me, thanks!" I say showing him the ticket number, he seems rather bored as he leaves the tray on our table and walks off.

"So..." Faye says trying to get me to talk again, but I'm fine now and shake my head as I pass around the food.

"It doesn't matter anymore," I say as I open my box. I can smell the salty chips topped with hot gravy, it's making my mouth water. I pick up the two forks they've kindly given me.

"Why do they always give me a second fork?" I ask them annoyed. "Do they think I'm actually going to share this?" I joke mixing the gravy in with the chips.

"That's usually the point when you get something large," Faye says as she sips on her drink laughing.

"Or they think you won't eat it all," adds Calum digging into his cheeseburger with extra cheese. "Can I have one?" he asks pointing to the chips.

"Hell to the nah!" I yell quickly scooping up my box and holding it against my chest.

My friends and I laugh as we continue to dig into our lunch. The incident from this morning is long gone from my mind, at least for the time being.


Hey lovely's,
It's my friends birthday today (going to go see The Shallows in a few hours, has anyone seen it yet? If so is it good?) so I'm sorry if this is a little shorter then the last chapter. But what are your thoughts on the story so far? What about Andrew and her mum? Do you think he's hiding something and if so what?

Don't forget to hit that vote button and why not write a comment too, did you know you can follow me anytime =)

Amy xo

[ the image on the side is of : Harper ]

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