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"Sorry for the mean, awful.. but accurate things i said." - Harper | rebel circus


"MISS HARPER, WHAT a surprise to see you here."

"Sorry I'm late.." I mumble before sliding into my usual spot beside the window. "Mr Hunt sir."

Mr Hunt is my history teacher, he's actually not that bad if you like history which thankfully I do but he does give us a lot of homework and random pop quizzes which sucks.

"Are you forgetting something this morning?" he asks, raising an eyebrow at my appearance.

Upon hearing this, the rest of the class stop talking amongst themselves and turn to stare at me. Some choose to laugh, while others make snide comments or give me pitiful looks.

"You tell me," I say resting my arms on the desk without a care in the world. I pretend to yawn as I wait for my classmates to settle down and Mr Hunt to start the damn lesson.

"Pyjamas? really Harper?" Anna remarks, flicking her hair and laughing at me. "Next you'll be coming to school in just your underwear, am I right?"

"Or even worse... naked!" exclaims Danielle, the brunette sitting beside her giggling to herself. 

I glance down to see that I am indeed still wearing my kind of short zebra stripe bottoms and plain white t-shirt from this morning. I hadn't wanted to go back home in case mum or Andrew was there so I followed Calum and Faye straight to school after McDonald's.

"Take advice from us sweetie," she places one of her manicured fingers on my shoulder. "Never wear short stuff to school ever again.. we wouldn't want you to be seen as a slut because oh that would be just dreadful."

Anna laughs before turning back to Danielle, clearly dismissing me.

"Oh you're so funny darlings," I tell them sarcastically. "But maybe you should be listening to your own advice, wouldn't want you's to be seen as a slut now," I repeat what they've said to me. "Oh wait, you already are one," I add smirking.

Anna looks down at her short white skirt and tight hot pink tube top, let's say it doesn't leave much to the imagination not to mention that she's also slept with most of the guys around here.

"What does she mean Anna?" Danielle hisses in a panic, tugging her friends arm. Anna frowns as the class suddenly goes quiet.

"Are you calling me a slut Harper?" her eyes narrow as her mouth forms a deadly straight line.

"Harper!" Mr Hunt warns me returning to his desk as he tries to get the class back under his control.

"No I'm not," I continue on like I wasn't just interrupted by the teacher. "I'm calling you a penny actually," I add grinning.

Anna's face falters slightly, but she stays her ground which I give her credit for.

"And why's that?"

"You're two faced, worthless and in everyone's pants," I say as the class erupts in laughter.

"You.. you," Anna goes on red in the face from embarrassment. "Bitch!"

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