159 10 3

"I'd call you a dick but you're not real enough." - Harper

C H A P T E R  F I V E

"IT'S 3AM AND I'M a flaming ball of frustrated rage with tea."

"As per usual, what can I do to help bub?" a tired Faye answers me.

I run my fingers through my hair, glancing up at the small white brick apartment in front of me.

"Can you come down and let me in?" I ask her as I walk up the front steps.

I can hear a door slamming, a few deep breathes and a couple of 'fuck this shit' before the door opens and Faye appears glaring at me as she ends the call.

"It's 3am Harper.." she complains, yawning. "This better be good."

I walk in past her, hearing her sharp intake of breath as she spots the bright red mark on my cheek.

"What fucken happened?" she cries dragging me into her small kitchen. "Please tell me you didn't go to a club, find a married man, kissed him and then got bitchslapped by the wife who caught you two making out?"

"Faye really?" I groan as she pushes me to the closet seat as I watch her run to the freezer grabbing a bag of frozen peas.

"Put this on it," she urges passing me a tea towel as well. "So are you going to tell me what happened or keep me guessing?" Faye asks glancing worriedly at me.

"It doesn't matter.." I sigh as my skin starts to sting from the bag of peas resting on it. "Where's your brother?" I ask instead referring to the too quiet apartment.

"God knows where, probably downtown in a club or something," she shrugs as she gets up and heads to the small bathroom beside the kitchen.

"I thought he got banned from all the nightclubs but?"

"- You know Dean Harper, he'll either sweet talk his way in or sneak around security," she tells me coming back with a plastic bag in hand. "Now should I go with the blue or the pink this time?" she asks referring to the hair dye.


"I can't believe you went to her," Calum complains jokingly.

"Of course she came to me, I'm the better friend here," Faye buts in flicking her newly dyed blue hair as the three of us walk towards school later that morning.

We were going to take Faye's car but decided it was actually a pretty nice day to walk, plus Faye was in no condition to drive since I messed up her sleep.

"Oh come on, we all know I'm the better friend," says Calum as he throws his arm around me. "Right Harp?"

"By we you mean just you," Faye adds.

"You're mean Faye," Calum mumbles shaking his head.

"So I've been told and yet we're still friends, never could figure that one out."

"Guys I love you both equally alright," I say breaking them apart. I could see the school just a block ahead, glancing down at my phone I can say that we'll make the bell.. five minutes late.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2017 ⏰

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