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The music blared as I ashed the last of the cigarette which previously had been between my lips. Lighting another one, I turned my head to order a drink from the bartender only to be distracted by a pair of mesmerizing blue eyes across from me.

Blue Eyes had jet black hair and a form fitting leather jacket accompanied by a mischievous smirk.  Embarrassed by my staring, I looked down averting my eyes from this handsome stranger. Unfortunately my intoxicated self couldn't resist and I looked back up only to find his seat empty. Had I been hallucinating?

Taking a long drag from my cigarette, I looked around the bar in which I had stopped to drown my sorrows. It had a very rustic atmosphere and wooden finishes which suited it's name: The Mystic Grill.

I had stopped to rest in this quaint little town of Mystic Falls and decided that I needed a distraction. Not long after Michael's death, I had resorted to liquor as my reprieve from my daily torment but it seems as if that didn't work quite as well as it used to. Now, I'd find solice in a stranger on an almost nightly bases, I had been hoping that Blue Eyes would be my distraction for the night but he wasn't anywhere to be found.

Suddenly a figure sits down next to me. Blue Eyes. Maybe he'd be my distraction after all. He shifted to face me and he seemed even more gorgeous than before. He flashed a mega Watt smile before introducing himself.

"Damon, Damon Salvatore. May I interest you in a drink?"

The music was extremely loud and I doubt he heard me reply so I just nodded with a smile. Soon after the blond bartender- Matt- arrived with a tray of shots causing me to grin happily.

Blue Eyes- I mean Damon- leant over,  his breath tickling my ear, and asked,  "What's a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?"

"Just dropping by, looking for something to take my mind off of," I hesitated before continuing, "things."

Damon raised his eyebrows questioningly,  "Care to share what things you're talking about?"

Being full of liquor,  my intoxicated self couldn't help but respond, "Trying to drown out the feelings that are slowly but surely killing me."

"I've never related to anything more in my life." It looked as if he was pained to look at me and quickly looked away, ordering a Bourbon for us both. "I try to hide my feelings but it only gets worse. After a while distractions don't work as well as they used to."

I nursed my Bourbon as I thought of my response. We sat in a comfortable silence each understanding what the other was going through.

"I guess that's true, I wish there was a way to turn my feelings off." Was the response I gave him, not looking him in the eye as I said it.

"Oh trust me, you wouldn't want that. It makes it worse."

Silence enveloped us once again and after finishing my drink I turned to Damon,  a smirk on my face.

"Do you have some change?"

Without saying a word, he pulled out a few coins from his front pocket and handed them to me. I skipped off towards the Juke box, setting it to play one of my all time favourite songs: Highway To Hell.

Once back at the bar, I tugged on Damon's arm wearing my signature puppy face before asking him to dance with me.

The dance floor was almost empty when we arrived but I didn't care and despite my horrible dance moves we we're having fun. The music soon changed and a more sensual song began to play. Dancing with Damon in this way had caused goose bumps to form on my arms and my heart rate to increase. I'm almost positive that he noticed as his smirk seemed to grow.

Teasing me, he dropped his head to the crook of my neck before whispering, "You know, you never told me your name."

"Alexia." I replied shakily as his mouth assaulted my neck, causing my body to errupt in shivers. It had been a long time since anybody had made me feel something like this. In fact, I'm pretty sure I've never felt like this before.

"Alexia," he mumbles,  "What a pretty name for a pretty girl."

His attack on the delicate skin of my neck carried on for a few minutes until his head suddenly shot up. I spun my head around to look in the direction he was glaring in only to see three guys at the bar. One was extremely tall with shaggy brown hair,  falling just above his shoulders. Damn he was hot! As hot as Damon. Perhaps even hotter. Next to him was a guy slightly shorter with sandy blond hair,  and beside him a blue eyed man wearing a beige trench coat.

I was puzzled as to why Damon had reacted to them the way he had but before I could ask him about it, he spoke.

"Wanna get out of this place?" He asked. Oh yes I did, if it meant he'd continue what he had started, I would happily go home with him. I figured he was as in need of a distraction as I was.

Forgetting about his strange reaction to those guys,  I grinned as I replied, "Sure, lead the way Mr Salvatore."

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