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As soon as Damon spoke those words, I was jolted out of my trance like state.

"Firstly, who the fuck is Elena?" I question angrily. "And why the fuck does everyone say I look like her."

This seemed to surprise Damon who just stared at me. Minutes passed and nobody said anything.

"You know what, fuck this. I'm out. Nice meeting you Damon. Caroline." I say anger edging into my voice.

Just as I turned to leave, Damon grabs my arm and pulls me towards him before angrily saying, "Who else knows about you?"

Before I could reply with a 'what the hell are you talking about' Damon looked back at Caroline and told her that she should call the others and warn them before dragging me away from the kitchen, up the stairs and back into his room.

He started pacing back and forth, hands pulling at his hair as I just stood there. Still in shock and confusion.

"Who the fuck knows about you Alexia?!" Damon shouted, throwing everything off of his desk.

"I dont- I don't know what you're talking about! Stop Damon, just stop! You're scaring me!" I shout back as tears stream down my face. What had I gotten myself into? I was just seventeen. Too young to die by the hands of a psychopath. Not to mention that Caroline- his psycho buddy- was downstairs calling the others.

Damon looked up at me, inky veins patterned around his eyes. Fuck! A vampire.

"Who else knows!" He shouted once more, stalking towards me.

To say I was scared was an understatement. I was petrified. I was frozen. And being me, the following words tumbled out of my mouth, "I fucking slept with a vampire."

This caused him to chuckled and bare his fangs to me, speaking in a menicing tone, "So you know what I am then."

He had backed me up against the wall by now and in that moment, I thought he was going to kill me. The tears kept on pouring out my eyes as I accepted my inevitable death. I would die before I avenged my brother's death. He would be disappointed with me. Not to mention the fact that I'd done the unmentionable with a vampire. The same vampire that would kill me.

I hadn't noticed I had shut my eyes until I felt Damon's hand caressing my cheek, "Hey, hey, don't be scared. I'm sorry."

I opened my eyes to see that they we're back to normal, except now, he had a sad look in his eye.

"It's just that, that you look like somebody I loved. And if someone finds out about you, I'm certain they'd try hurt you."

"Why would they do that?" He didn't respond. "Damon tell me why the fuck they'd try to kill me."

Sighing, he responded, "You're a doppelgänger, he will try and use you to make more hybrids." Damon backed away from me and sat on his bed looking defeated.

"By he, I assume you're talking about Elijah?"

His head snapped up as soon as I had mentioned Elijah's name. "How the hell do you know of Elijah?"

"He killed my brother," I mutter, "Who's he to you?"

"He's an Original."

"Original? What the hell is an Original?"

"The first vampires, the only true immortals. There's a whole family of them,  it's leader is a hybrid, he needs you to make more of himself as Elena is a vampire now as is Katherine."

"Interesting," I say. I needed to get out of here, get to Beacon Hills and find the infamous Winchester brothers to help me. They'd know what to do. But for now, I had to keep a low profile, if what this blood sucker says is true it means I'm in danger. A hell lot of danger. I think it's best if I didn't piss off a house of vampires (assuming that Caroline is also a vampire as are her friends) I best not tell them I'm a hunter. Vamps can't travel in the sun right?  So I'll just run away once Damon leaves the room and they can't chase me.

"Hey Damon," I try, "mind getting me a glass of water, this is all a lot to take in."

"Sure, be right back."

As soon as he left I grabbed my clothes and bag before breaking the window and deciding to jump from the second floor. Idiot. As soon as I landed, I felt my left tibia snap, luckily for me, the adrenaline running through my system prevented me from feeling the pain. Jogging along the deserted path away from the old fashioned house, I eventually found my way to a road where I took a cab back to the Grill.

I sped away without looking back, next destination: Beacon Hills.

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