Told Off

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Isaac was beautiful, not in a feminine way or anything, he was just beautiful. Everything about him appealed to my aesthetic taste and I had me craving attention from him.

What was wrong with me?! I'm on a case and I'm getting distracted by every hot guy I see! I was more than happy to accepted Isaac's offer of driving around a bit and stopping at the local deli for some ice cream.

I had a great time. He was funny, highly sarcastic, and yet simultaneously charming and charismatic. I adored his company as much as I hoped he enjoyed mine.

We had a splendid evening and to say I was thrilled would be an understatement, no boy's smile had effected me as much as his did. He made me feel free and I couldn't wait to see him again. Unfortunately for me, after arriving three hours passed my curfew, Mrs McCall had banned Isaac from seeing me outside of school. Can you believe that? She banned him! How was I supposed to get anywhere with this boy if she banned him from seeing me! I expected Isaac to laugh and wave her off, she couldn't tell us what to do.

Before me eyes the hot and tough exterior of Isaac Lahey had disintegrated into a shy and insecure boy being yelled at by his mother. Turns out that he used to live with Scott and Mrs McCall after his father died a mysterious death. It was rather odd to see him talk so calmly about it since it happened so recently. His father's death was even more recent than the death of Michael, my brother, and I was still torn up about it. It was downright strange to say the least. Despite his strange reaction, I had fallen asleep with a smile on my face and floated off into a dreamless bliss.

Unfortunately for me, Scott didn't wake me up with banging on my door that morning, no he had decided to go to school on his own which left me in a panic when I eventually woke up. I contemplated driving my own car but with me leg and all... screw it! I drove my car, with much difficulty, to school that morning, swapping my 'goth' attire for a laid back outfit consisting of black skinny jeans and the classic red flannel.

Upon my arrival, I noticed a bulky black haired man yelling at Isaac in front of 'his' car. I hobbled over being careful not to be seen, curiosity getting the better of me.

"It's not a big deal." That was Isaac.

"Listen here you little shit, don't touch my car!" Ah I was right, it wasn't his car!

"Derek calm down," Isaac said worriedly, looking around to make sure nobody was around, suspicious if you ask me, "Like seriously, not in public." The last part was whispered and I barely caught it.

The large man, Derek, unclenched and clenched his first continuously, the vein in his forehead throbbing uncontrollably.

"Talk to me when you don't want to rip my head off but for now I have to go write a test I didn't study for," the last part was said with a smirk as Isaac pushed himself off of the black beauty of a car only to have Derek shout after him.

"Fuck off! This isn't over."

I had been caught up in their argument and didn't realized that everybody else was already in class. With that thought in mind I walked off without realizing that Isaac was trailing behind.

"Enjoy eavesdropping I see," I could hear the sarcasm of dripping off of his words and wasn't surprised to see his signature smirk when I turned around to stick my tongue out at him.

We arrived about twenty minutes late and received yet another detention from Mr Harris. But only after he chewed us out about being late and that it was only my second day here and that he didn't want this to become a routine. To this I rolled my eyes and walked away, to the seat at the back next to Isaac, not wanting to hear Scott or Stiles ramble on about nothing like they had all class yesterday after they LEFT me at home!"

Unfortunately for me- today was just an unfortunate day it seemed- when I returned 'home', Mrs McCall was waiting for me. Turned out it was her day off and she had noticed my absence when Scott returned home and she had also apparently gotten a mail about me being late. That and Scott had snitched on me, this boy was seriously starting to tick me off. Like what the fuck man? He was so chilled but now he was ready to drop me in the shit like nothing happened. She too told me off telling me that I was slacking and that I had so much potential. To be honest I was really tired of being yelled at and left to be by myself for a while, relaxing myself by cleaning my guns and knives trying to focus on the mission and not blue eyes, mischievous smirks, or irritating house mates.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2016 ⏰

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