Beacon Hills

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I have no idea how I managed the four hour drive north to Beacon Hills with a broken leg but somehow I did. It brought me to the hospital where I had to make up some bullshit story about falling down the stairs because the nurse -Nurse McCall- wouldn't treat me until she knew the truth.

So that brought me to where I am now, getting X-rays of my leg and waiting for the results. Truth be told, I don't mind hospitals. The bright lights and the smell of bleach sooths me, but don't get me wrong, I don't like hospitals. It's just that they feel like home, I spent way too much of my life in and out of hospitals so I guess it's all familiar. No matter where you go, they all look and feel the same. It's a constant, one of the only constant things in my life.

Nurse McCall walked in, breaking me out of my thoughts. She looked at the X-rays curiously, and back at me in disbelief.

"You fell down the stairs?"

"Yes ma'am." I reply, not looking her in the eye. I'd never been a good liar.

She sighed and sat down on the hospital bed beside me.

"Lexy," she starts, well this won't be good, "I've been a nurse for twenty years and falling down the stairs, it just cannot- it couldn't have caused such a severe injury."

You see, wherever I go, I never give out my true identity so now I'm Lexy Johnson instead of Alexia Jameson. I didn't respond, I knew it was bad. Just not this bad.

"Listen, if something happened, you can tell me." She continues, "your injuries look more like a fall from a height and then added stress on the injury."

Still no reply from my side.

"Where did you say you were from?"

"Mystic Falls," I mumble, hoping she didn't hear me. But just my luck, she did.

"You were running." She states plainly.

I look up at her with big eyes, wondering how she came to that conclusion.

"There are about four other hospitals on the way," she says matter of factly, "it's the only reason why you wouldn't have stopped along the way."

I nod, acknowledging how correct her assumption is.

"How old are you Lexy?"

"I'll be eighteen in two weeks."

"That's good, you'll be emancipated by the time whomever you were running from comes to get you."

By her tone, I knew she was implying my parents. She probably thought that they were abusing me or some shit. I didn't respond.

"Listen, you seem like a sweet girl. I have a spare room if you'd like to use it?"

I comtemplated her offer for a short while, knowing that  I should take it. Money was running low and she did seem rather nice.

I nod, looking her in the eyes. My own glossy for effect and whisper with as much gratitude as possible, "Thank you so much."

"It's no problem," she smiles, "You just have to wait an hour or so until I get off work and tomorrow we can enroll you at the high school."

"Okay." I really didn't want to go to school but I guess I need to blend in. I couldn't defend myself injured and I'm sure I'd stumble upon a few cases here and there, perhaps run into the Winchesters whom I was so desperately looking for. "Thank you Mrs McCall."

"Call me Melissa."

An hour passed and by that time my leg had been covered in plaster, Melissa came to get me and wheeled me to her car. In no time we made it to a quaint little house, all the lights were on.

It never occurred to me that she'd have a son, whom I soon saw making out with a dark haired girl when we walked -more like hobbled- through the door.

The boy and girl looked at us with wide eyes as I cleared my throat in an attempt to clear the tension.

"Mom," the boy starts, told you it was her son! I could tell by their eery similarities of brown hair and brown eyes, the same nose.  "I thought you were working late tonight."

All the time he hadn't looked at me, I'm pretty sure he didn't notice I was there. There's no denying that he was most definitely gorgeous. About as gorgeous as Damon...

"Scott," Melissa speaks with an angry voice,   "Kira." That must be the girl.

"This is Lexy," Melissa says causing Scott to look at me for the first time. "She'll be staying here for a while."

With that being said,  Melissa turned back to me and smiled, gesturing for me to follow her up the stairs and walking me into my new room.

"Make yourself at home," she says with a smile before closing the door.

I sigh, how did I land up here? I'm a fucking hunter, I kill for a living. Hell I've committed a numerous amount of crimes, and now here I am, taking hand outs from somebody I just met.

The room was cute, the large windows giving way to an exquisite view of the waning moon. For a second, I even forgot why I'd come to this town. Why I was hiding. For a second, I forgot about Damon and Elijah and this supposed monster hybrid. For a second, I forgot about Michael. I forgot about everything.

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