Meet Cute

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The day was... Eventful so far. Stiles and I had got along well and he introduced me to all his friends, there was Lydia, a stuck up red head and Alison- she seemed umm okay. There were so many names and faces to remember: Liam, Danny, Malia, Jackson, the others I forgot. I found out that the Asian girls name was Kira and that Alison was extremely jealous seeing as Scott and her had previously had a thing.

At the moment we were in Chemistry with a teacher from hell aptly named Mr Harris. Joy. As we explored topics such as polymerization and catalytic cracking, Mr Harris thought it'd be fun to pick on the new kid. Me. Fanfuckingtastic. I had hoped to stay low but chatter had already spread around the school about the Gothic new girl who arrived with Stiles and Scott. Now they'd be talking about how big a nerd I was as I knew the ins and outs of condensational polymerization and shit!

When Mr Harris figured out that trying to embarrass the new kid wouldn't work, he picked his next victim. Stiles. And boy oh boy was that entertaining to watch.

"Stiles!" Mr Harris starts, "Define the term alcohol for me."

Before Stiles could answer, I stuck up my hand, not being able to stand another minute on this class.

"Are you Mr Stilinsky, Miss Johnson?"

"May I go to the bathroom sir?" I ask having to hold back any hint of anger I felt at this teacher.

"Fine, but be quick."

I hobble out of the classroom, talking my time walk as I out the front enterance so I can have a smoke, I haven't had one since yesterday on my way here. I could just say that I got lost on my way, couldnt I?

I had intended to have time to myself and sit in peace but no. I was interrupted by a low groan, getting louder and louder as a black motorcycle approached, zooming into the hallway.

"What the fuck?" I mutter confused, getting up and following them into the hall.

I saw the one blonde guy from the class I was just in storm out the class, his twin following shortly after.

"Get the hell off my bike!" He shouts.

The boy on the bike pulls off his helmet, he has golden curls and from where I stood looked fit.

As he was about to reply, Mr Harris and the rest of the class rush out the class to witness the events.

The bike boy must have not noticed just yet and he handeds the helmet to the twin in front of him and does this weird-too-unrealistic-and-unbelievable forward flip over his shoulders, landing feet first. A smirk plastering his handsome face.

"Mr Lahey! Detention!" Mr Harris shouts, a vein popping out of his for head. He then looks to the twins, "You two too!" And finally he glances at me, caught red handed with a cigarette still in my hands, "Miss Johnson, I'll see you there as well!"

And that's where I'm at now: detention. Well where I was supposed to be anyway, I was still making my way there. Harris had told us to meet him in the library. I was ten minutes late and would have to ask someone for a lift or find a taxi to get home. At lunch, I had convinced Scott not to tell his mom about my smoking and promised him twenty bucks if he could drive my car from the hospital to his house. He was actually pretty cool, his girlfriend was okay. Rather quiet and didn't say much, Lydia wasn't as bad as I first thought and turned out to be quite nice.

When I finally located the library, I shuffled in to find bike boy- who's name I found out to be Isaac stacking books, looking as melancholic as I felt. He was still as dashingly handsome as I first believed and I found myself staring, much to my despair Isaac had chosen to look up at that moment and find me staring at him. He smirked and stared back. For a moment we stared at each other. That was until the twins were pushed through the door by an angry looking Mr Harris.

"Get to work!" He yelled, "You may leave once all the books are stacked."

Well then, let's get started, I think to myself.

Time seemed to fly by because before I knew it, all the books we're stacked and we were all leaving. I still needed a ride and I knew that injured me couldn't ride on the back of a motorcycle but I was still too embarrassed to ask Isaac for a lift.

It was as if he had read my mind and turned around, a cheeky grin on his face.

"Need a lift?"

"Oh my gosh yes please!" I cry out in relief to which he laughed in response. On the way out the school, Isaac apologized for getting me into trouble because essentially he was the reason I got caught.

"It's no problem, my fault for being an idiot and following you in."

We stopped at a black sports car, I couldn't tell you the make as I was into classics, that looked like a dream. It was a gorgeous beast.

"I-is this yours?" I asked in shock, still gaping at it's beauty.

"Umm," Isaac responds nervously scratching the back of his neck, "would you get in if I told you it was?"

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