Kuroo x Akaashi- KuroAka

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Admin: This is just wow.

b00kpirate: Yeah.

Admin: Anyways this is Bookpirate and she had joined me to see just how well Bokuto and Kenma take this.

Kenma: First off Akaashi is not stupid enough to date Kuroo.

Kuroo: Kenma I am here too you know?

Kenma: Yah and your point is?

Kuroo: Nevermind

Admin: But Kenma is right Akaashi is dating Bokuto.

Kuroo: True.

BOOKp: Bokuto,  are you jelly of Kuroo?

Bokuto: No, hahahahaha. That wouldn't happen.

Admin: (whispers) He's jelly.

BOOKp: definitely

Admin: I have a plan *whispers to BOOKpirate* We should make Akaashi kiss Kuroo and then Bokuto will be in tears and Kenma will just stay neutral but cry in the inside

BOOKp: Alright. AKAASHI!!!

Akaashi: Nani Admin-san and BOOKpirate-san ?

Admin: (whispers plan to Akaashi) Hey Bokuto look at this.

(Akaashi walks up to Kuroo and gives him a quick peck before leaving to clean his mouth)

Bokuto: Akaashi did- why - what- but- why would Akaashi leave me for Kuroo. I thought I was good enough for him.

BOOKp: There there Bokuto. It's alright. Akaashi doesn't like Kuroo he only kissed him because me and Admin said so.

Admin: I am very sorry Bokuto

Bokuto: Ok ok. Kuroo I won't forgive you though. So I suggest you run.

Admin: Before this gets anymore violent I'd like to say sorry to BOOKpirate times 10 because I forgot that you suggested this. But I will like to say that I updated twice in a day yay huge accomplishment for me. I hope you all enjoyed this like always and see you guys hopefully Friday yay!!!!!! Bye Bye!!!

Akaashi: Kenma are Kuroo's lips really that soft. I would have expected them to be more chap.

Kenma: Normally they are soft but still Akaashi don't ever kiss Kuroo or I will have to permanently ban you from my clan on Clash of Clan and Clash Royale.

Akaashi: Alright fair enough)

(Meanwhile Meanwhile:
Kuroo: I swear I had no part in this Bro!

Bokuto: I hope you enjoy never having children Bro!!!

Kuroo: I said I was sorry!)

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