Setters and Boyfriends- AkaKage

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Admin: And we  have come to the final installment of this book. Well actually second to last, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that Kageyama has no idea who he loves.

Kageyama: Eh!!??

Akaashi: Excuse me but from previous experiences will we be doing any weird things

Admin: Akaashi i see. I wanted to keep this as pg as possible but ok you two can have three hours for a few rounds.

Akaashi: I don't think you under-

Kageyama: This is stupid!

Admin: Not to worry Kageyama this will be the last time anybody from your anime suffers. I today have dragged Bokuto and Hinata to watch their lovely people to slowly become one with Russia. I mean slowly leave them.

Kageyama: Huh?

Admin: Just watch.

Bokuto: Hey HEy HEY! Whats up Akaaaaaaaaashi?!

Akaashi: Dear god help me

Hinata: Is this because I held Yachi's hand. I'm sorry Kageyama.

Kageyama: I was dragged here.

Bokuto: Ha!

Admin: So this is a what if question but what if Kageyama and Akaashi left you two for each other?

Hinata: Not this again.

Bokuto: If Akaashi you leave me I'll just go to Kuroo he loves me!

Admin: and Kenma and Tsukishima and like a bunch of others according to the fandom

Bokuto: eh he he he

Hinata: Well if its because me and  Yachi held  hands you're exaggerating but its just cause you don't like me well i don't know.

Admin: Hinata admit it you'd eat ice cream and cry

Hinata: but I'm not a girl

Admin: Close enough. Anyways for the rest of the day Akaashi and Kageyama you two are officially dating and Bokuto and Hinata to the trash

Bokuto: I'm not trash

Kageyama: Yeah only Oikawa is part of the trashy race or whatever

Admin: Of course you'd say that

Hinata: Admin what's the results so far

Admin: Ha ha ha zero to zero nobody has voted which makes me sad. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this final reaction and I'm so sorry for the lateness of this reaction smol_birds. Please leave a comment on your favourite pairing(s) and go ahead and press that vote button down there and I hope to update the ending before February. Byeeeeeee!!!

Kageyama: You're kidding right Admin

Admin: Never.

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