Threesome- KuroBokuHina

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Admin: This is a first.

Hinata: Whats a threesome?

Admin: My dear child. *tears*

Bokuto: Chibi, let me enlighten you. A threesome is-

Kuroo: is when you share cake between three people.

Bokuto: *whispers* why are we not telling him?

Kuroo: *whispers back* You don't wanna deal with his mom

Bokuto: Which one?

Hinata: So if I split a cake into three pieces thats a threesome? I thought it was thirds.?

Admin: Hinata you will not be exposed to anything else. How about tell me what are your opinions on these two?

Hinata: Well they're both really good at volleyball. They are somewhat nice. They are really annoying when they call each other bro all the time. More than Tanaka-Senpai and Nishinoya-Senpai. They're average I guess.

Bokuto: A-average?

Kuroo: I feel insulted.

Admin: Rip: KuroBokuHina- died because my cinnamon roll is to good for the other two

Bokuto: Fine me and Kuroo will just go to Akaashi and Kenma. Bye chibi. These 'average' people are out.

Kuroo: not cool chibi not cool

Admin: finally they're gone.

Hinata: Thats good I don't wanna be part of a threesome with them they should enjoy a foursome with Kemma anf Akaashi.

Admin: you actually know what that means?

Hinata: hahaha no, maybe, probably......


Admin: Dear God. That was not expected.

Hinata: I figured.

Admin: Guys leave a commemt and / or a vote. Im going to uncover more secrets about our 'innocent' soul called Hinata.  Hope y'all enjoyed bye everyone.

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