✨Chapter 1✨

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"But Kendra do I have to?" I asked with extra emphasis on the word have.

It was a week before summer was over and I still didn't know what I was going to do about the upcoming school year. I didn't know anyone nor did I know how to get around in my new school.

"Listen, little sis this-"

"Hey! I am not little for your information.. I'm only one year younger than you, and I'm only three inches shorter than you... FACT" I clarified while rolling my eyes.

Kendra laughed. "Only when you're wearing those stupid heels. You're not that tall plus stop rolling your eyes. Sooner or later your eyes are gonna roll off itself." she pointed out jokingly.

I kept quiet as we headed into a nearby store. Kendra thought it would be a good idea to go shopping for new clothes so I could feel more confident about this school year. I tried to protest with her earlier because I didn't think new clothes would help but I ended up losing the argument...like always.

As soon as we got in Kendra squealed like a little girl.

"Oh, I love shopping! I could stay here all day." Kendra yelled while clapping her hands together.

A bunch of people suddenly turned around and looked at her and me.

I facepalmed. She manages to embarrass me every time we're out in public.

"I swear to God if you say one more thing like that, I'm going to pretend I don't even know you." I threatened while giving her a stern look.

Kendra immediately went quiet. "Fine"

Honestly, shopping isn't that exciting for me. Especially after this one time which Kendra never lets me forget about. Don't get me wrong buying new things and getting out of the house is something I would rather be doing than being given continuous lectures by my aunt and uncle but the fun of it just disappeared after that day.

A half hour passed by and I had a pretty full shopping cart. It looked like Kendra had put everything in the store here.

"Jesus Christ Ken how the hell am I supposed to try all this?!? It'll be September by the time I finish half of this!" I groaned. Trying on clothes is my least favorite part of shopping.

"Well then you better get started" she giggled as she put everything in my hands.

I sighed as I struggled to make my way into the fitting room. I had so much I could barely see where I was going. Everything just stacked on top of each other like it was trying to compete with the Eiffel tower.

This lady with short blue hair looked at me and started laughing.

"Are you waiting to help the Kardashians try on some clothes?" She retorted while snorting.

I ignored what she said and asked where the nearest open stall was. I followed her as we passed one after another for what seemed like forever until we finally stopped.

"Good luck it looks like you're gonna need it" as she turned around cackling and left me alone.

I managed to make it inside and ended up just throwing all the clothes on the floor. 75% of this was Kendra's picks, and the rest were mine. I'm not a huge fan of her style since we don't dress the same but I just wanted some bonding time with her since she's leaving in a few days for college.

I finally got the strength to take of my clothes, and I looked at myself in the mirror. Who was I even? I wasn't pretty..that's one thing. I eyed the stretch marks that made its way onto my thighs, and I looked at my stomach in disappointment. I really needed to work out.

Back at one of my old schools I was always picked on. I was teased and pushed around a lot. Of course, my parents didn't know, especially Kendra because she's very protective of me, so I always ended up just laughing it off with my 'friends' even if it hurt a lot inside.

I then looked at my arms and sighed.

I had relapsed a few days ago.

The new cuts were still really noticeable and still stung whenever I showered, but it helped me cope with everything.

I tried on the first one Kendra picked and put it on. It wasn't my style, and it shouted "I'm a whore" more than "Hey I'm Evelyn" I sighed and switched onto more clothes. In the middle of trying on like my 30th pair, I was interrupted with a very familiar voice.

"Hey sis you nearby?" Yep...that was Kendra.

"I'm over here! I'm almost done" I said beaming with pride. I managed to finish before the store had to close. I laughed silently.

Kendra found my stall and threw a shirt underneath the door. "Try this on."

I groaned. "No. Zip. Nada. Zilch. I'm not trying on any more clothes than what's already in here! I'm almost done too!"

"Oh come on, please, for me... I promise this will be the last one that I'll make you try on." Kendra said attempting to convince me.

"This is what you said after you handed me like four dresses and three shirts" I roll my eyes in frustration.

"Evelyn Melene..please..for me? Trust me; you'll like this one." She said.

Ugh, I hate it when she uses my name. I examined the shirt. It wasn't half bad. I doubted she wouldn't stop coming back with more clothes, but I was already in here, so I just gave up.

"Fine but you're paying for all this" I shouted getting undressed yet again.

All I could hear from the other side of the stall is her dying of laughter. "Of course I'm paying you barely have any money, and you can't even keep a job for more than six weeks" Kendra snorted.

"Shut up!" I said as I tried this on. This one was a winner which shocked me because it was her pick. It was a loose but casual gray shirt, and it said 'messy hair don't care' which made me laugh because this described me.

"Hurry up lemme see you haven't shown me one outfit today." Kendra whined. It was true though, I hadn't, but I had my reasons.

I opened the stall door and walked out. "Oh, girl you are SLAYING!" Kendra said smiling as I giggled and pretended to walk like a model on a runway.

I hugged her tightly. I'm really going to miss her.

"Thanks, sis." I said quietly.

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