✨Chapter 8✨

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"I will. Goodbye, little sis" Kendra said as she smiled like an excellent actress.

I walked with her until we reached the gates that prohibited me from inching my way forward. She made it about 4 feet when tears started welling up, and I embraced her one last time.

"I- I don't think I can do this without you. I've never done anything without you. Who am I going to spill my secrets to?" I sobbed with rivers flowing deep from my eyes.

"I know you don't want me to go... it feels like I am leaving you alone forever. But don't cry" she comforted, wiping away one of my tears. Another set comes pouring down.

She takes a deep breath. "Don't cry for me. You're going to make me cry too. And listen, "These waves of sadness might not stop after I leave. They're not going to wash away the pain. But the world doesn't stop for anyone. And I need you to keep moving forward. Got it?"

I let her body separate from mine and nod my head. "O-ok. I understand"

With a sad smile on her face, she turned around and started walking. I turn around too, and as I walk away, I hear a faint voice echo in my head. The world doesn't stop for anyone. When did she become so wise?

I scan the room to see if the little boy was roaming around the area, but he and his bratty brother are nowhere to be seen.

*Bzz Bzz*

I grabbed the phone from my back pocket and noticed that Luke was messaging me.

Hey Kitten

What now? I replied with annoyance in my words

Chillax, just wanted to see how my princess was doing

Did he just..call me a princess? His Princess?

I'm fine

My inner woman is sensing otherwise. You sure?


Alright. Hey, I can't text until Friday morning. I left for football camp a while ago, and soon there's going to be shitty service. Text you then?

I glared at my phone. Football camp?? You have got to be kidding me.

We literally could've met up before you left and swapped back phones!!! I typed with a bunch of angry emojis

Now that would be ruining the suspense, wouldn't it? Also, you only have 13 contacts. Pretty pathetic, if you ask me.

I guess

Gtg. SYS

I stare at the words for a while before putting my phone away. That text was so sudden. I seriously can't stand this Luke guy.

I miss Kendra.

Eventually, I make my way towards the charcoal vehicle and smile a little and unlock the doors. I turned my head towards the passenger seat and found an object neatly wrapped in tin foil. I opened it and noticed Kendra left me a snack.

Thank you, I note as I smile in my thoughts.

I pulled out of the parking spot and noticed some commotion to my left. The dark figures weren't too visible so I couldn't quite make it out what was happening. But soon enough, the mysterious figures turn out to be a couple of teenage boys fighting.

The taller man was holding up a boy against a concrete pole that read "3B" notifying what parking space area drivers were in. He had a chiseled face and weatherbeaten hair. His lips were torn and his clothes tattered. The shorter one had chestnut-brown hair and was slumping a little as he avoided a punch sent his way.

They continued to strangle each other around until my patience all but ceased to exist. Annoyed, I honked my horn, and the two boys suddenly turned their heads towards my direction.

A wave of fear engulfed me as I immediately started regretting what I did.

"Um excuse me??" The taller man practically shouted.

"You're..um..in the uh...way" I stuttered fumbling with the steering wheel. Great, what did I get myself into?

"I'll show you who's in the way" He growled, dropping the other guy to the ground.

I immediately reach over to try to roll up the window but all of a sudden I freeze.

Oh my god oh my god do something! Idiot, he's right there! You deserve to die. This is why you wouldn't last in a horror movie. COME ON MOVE!

I shut my eyes and hear a big whack sound. Expecting to see a broken window, I opened my eyes and saw a body on the ground. The younger boy appeared to be standing over him with a worn out baseball bat.

"What the.. hell?"

He immediately ran over to the driver's seat and opened my car door. I gasped but could barely process anything that was going on.

"How the-" I start to utter some words, but then I'm interrupted by a deep voice.

"Just drive."

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