Chapter 7

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Harry's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and sat up, immediately regretting it. On my night stand sat two glasses of water and a bottle of pain killers. I couldn't care less who put them there, I was just grateful they did. I took out two pills and one of the glasses of water. I took both the pills and looked around to see Niall and Ed already up. "How much did we drink last night?"

"A lot." Niall laughed. I got to my closet pulling out two shirts for me and Louis. I walked back the bed but stopped in my tracks.

"Isn't that my shirt?" I pointed at the shirt that Niall was wearing that looked very similar to one I had.

"Yeah well, I didn't want to wake you. So I took it upon myself to go through your clothes." He shrugged. I rolled my eyes and headed over to a sleeping Louis. He looked so peaceful, I almost didn't want to wake him up. His lips were parted slightly and he was breathing in and out slowly.

"Lou, you've got to get up." I shook him gently, only making him groan and turn away from me. "C'mon Lou." I shook him a bit rougher.

"Fine, fine." He grumbled shooting out of the bed only to groan again from a headache.

"There's pain killers and water on the nightstand." I explained.

"thank you." He grabbed the pills and water throwing his head back to take the pills down.

"Here are some clothes." I handed him the shirt I grabbed for him, even though it would probably be too big for him. But he would still look perfect.

"What about me?" Ed asked, still in his clothes from last night.

"Go through my closet, some of your clothes are probably in there." He nodded and went to my closet. He came out in a red flannel I took from him years ago.

"I've been looking for this for ages." He shook his head chuckling.

"Oops." I giggled. "C'mon lets go down stairs my mum probably already made breakfast."

"Mmhm I miss Anne's cooking." Ed licked his lips. we headed down stairs and my mum
was making eggs and bacon.

"Oh morning boys, your lucky I went in your room this morning or I wouldn't have made enough for everyone." My mum smiled.

"Well mum this is Niall and you already know Ed and Louis." I introduced.

"Nice to meet you Niall and great to see you Ed and Louis." We all sat at the table as my mum put down the plates. We ate our food quickly, not wanting to be late.

"Breakfast was great Anne, but my parent are probably wondering where I'm at so I must be going." Ed kissed her cheek and slipped his jacket on.

"Okay, but next time you're in town remember you have my number and Harry's number. Don't be a stranger." She pointed a finger at him accusingly.

"Of course, bye." He laughed, waving and leaving the house.

"Alright mum, we better be off as well if we don't want to be late." I grabbed all of our plates rising them off before putting them in the dish washer.

"Okay, have a nice day!" She kissed my cheek and hugged Louis and Niall. We walked down to the school and decided just to go head and go into our first period, having a discussion about how crazy last night was.

"I'll be right back, gotta wee." Niall got up from his desk and walked out of the room, leaving me and Louis in a awkward silence.

"So, are we just going to pretend yesterday didn't happen?" He cocked an eyebrow. Damn I was praying he forgot about that.

"Yes please. I'd hate to ruin our friendship." I pleaded. I didn't want to lose Louis, I was so comfortable with him. I feel like if I lost him I'd become closed off again.

"Okay, if that's what you really want." He frowned, looking down at his desk.

"Thank you." I breathed out heavily. The awkward silence came again.

"Hey lads." Niall sat back down at his desk and I sighed of relief.

"Hey Nialler." I fakely smiled. We started to talk but Louis seemed closed off. He didn't talk at all except for 'yeahs' here and there. For the most part he just nodded, implying he was listening.

I knew this would happen, our friendship is ruined. We can't even be alone together without it being awkward. All because of one stupid kiss. Sure it was the best kiss I ever had and yes it felt electric and– wait this is my friend I'm talking about.

Great I've got feelings for Louis. This is just fan-fucking-tastic. I lost the one person that could touch me and I wouldn't resist. I was back at square one, the rape victim that hated to be touched.


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