Jonathan Byers Imagine

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Love yah.

-Elizabeth X (aka OogleJoogle)

There was an abrupt and sudden slam on Jonathon's bedroom window, causing the teenager to choke on his soda, hair flopping up and into his eyes.
He looked over at Dustin, who had his fist banging up against the glass.
"Wh-" the eldest Byers stuttered, leaning up from his bed and setting down his can as he made his way to the window. He hurriedly opened it and grasped onto Dustin, who squirmed as Jonathon set him on the ground.
The small boy with the red cap didn't even offer Jonathon a glance before he ran out the bedroom door without explanation.
"H-hey, no!" yelled the teenager, trotting after him and grasping the kid's hood before he could hurdle downstairs.
"Agh! No- stooOOpp." Dustin yelled, swatting his arms about wildy.
"Calm down, calm down. What's happening?" Jonathon let go of his hood and spun around the boy to face him. Dustin inhaled heavily.
"Well I needed to get here because y/n is coming and she has the new issue of the Amazing Spiderman and Mike and Will and Lucas are already here and if I knocked on the door no one would be able to hear it because you're always in your room and they're in the dining room and I can't let them read it before me! " He slurred in one long sentence, face growing red as he wasn't letting himself take a breath.
Jonathon's lips flickered into a smile as he let go of Dustin, nodding his head once.
"I got it, alright. You can go." He popped up Dustin's hat and screwed up his curls, popping the hat back down backwards and making Dustin grin. The boy turned.
"But-" he took hold of Dustin again.
"If I beat you downstairs, I'll take the comic for myself."
"Y/n would never let you."
"I helped her move her grandpa's stuff last week. She owes me."
"Dammit!" Dustin cursed, yanking out of Jonathon's grasp and dashing down the stairs and towards the dining room. The teenager laughed and went after him, keeping his pace just slow enough so the curly haired boy could beat him there.
"Is she here?" He skidded into the dining room, Jonathon behind him and now leaned against the doorway.
Lucas didn't even look over his shoulder as he murmured a "no".
Dustin exhaled in relief, sliding into a chair gratefully and turning his hat around right.
"What are you guys up to?" Jonathon walked over and peered at the table that was completely covered with various types of candy.
"Nothing really." Mike shook up an orange soda, dark hair flopping up and around with his vigorous movement.
"Where'd you get all this?" He boosted himself up on the counter and breathed in the scent of caffeine filled drinks and caramel.
"We mowed that old guy's lawn and he gave us moolah."
"Uh yeah." Lucas bit down on a twizzler, not sounding so sure in himself as he chewed on the cherry vine.
Jonathon hummed thoughtfully, propping his head on his hand and glancing at Will, who was pouring a bag of m&ms into his mouth. He shook his head at this, knowing well their mom would kill him for eating this all before dinner.
"When's y/n coming over?" Mike looked at Jonathon with curious blue eyes, his red sweater snug on his arms that stretched across the table.
"How should I know?"
"She's your girlfriend!" Will shouted through a mouthful of m&ms, grinning a chocolate smile.
The boys nodded eagerly.
"She's not my girlfriend." Jonathan quietly spoke, rubbing at his neck.
Dustin poked at Luke, shining a toothy grin.
"But you wish she was." Mike raised his head, pointing a pixie stick at Jonathon accusingly.
The teenager shook his head slowly. "She would never want to be my-"
"SO YOU DO LIKE HER!" Lucas screamed, receiving hoots and hollers from the three other boys.
"No, no..."
"Come onnn, the way you talk about her, look at her, take pictures." Will dragged out his words dramatically.
"Oh, oh y/n. You look nice today. Oooh be careful going home OOOOO DO YOU NEED ME TO WALK YOU HOME AHHH." Lucas mimicked loudly, eyes closed and mouth wide as he yelled.
There was a loud thud upstairs that made them all look up, quiet and surprised.
"Jonathon what was-"
There was a quick padder down the stairs, and you came into view, doing a quick half wave.
"Hey losers." You flashed a grin, and in no more than a second were the boys crowded around you and yelling a million different things. Jonathan admired the sight from the counter.
"You guys gotta unlock that front door." You ran a hand through your hair. "Your window isn't easy to climb up to."
Dustin nodded in agreement while Jonathon shook his head in disapproval.
"Do you have it?" Will's right hand gripped tightly to his empty bag of m&ms, and you laughed, kneeling down on the ground and swinging your yellow backpack over. They watched excitedly as you zipped your pack open and pulled out four crisp copies of the comic.
Jonathon watched, smile faded away as he studied you. His head was very quickly becoming a blazing hot mess of confusion. The boys were right. They knew before he did? He liked you. He always has. How has he just noticiced? What does he do? What's happening? How is he supposed to deal with this?
You received a unison of 'Thank yous' and quick hugs from the boys before they huddled up at the table and yanked their comics from the plastic, flipping them open with ecstatic expressions. You giggled softly, standing up and kicking you pack against the wall.
Jonathon watched you slip a snickers bar off the table and hop up next to him, the feel of your leg grazing against his making his heart squeeze and flutter.
"You never gave me your English homework after school. It's my turn to do it." You unwrapped the snicker, leaning back and pressing your legs to your stomach with your spare arm.
Jonathon didn't answer, and you eyed him curiously as you took a bite out of your snicker and chewed at it slowly.
"Earth to Jonathon?"
His eyes drifted away from you, and then back. He furrowed his brows and opened his mouth.
You squinted your eyes.
"I can do mine."
"But I've got the answers." You rested your head on your knees.
Lucas nudged Will's shoulder, and Will poked at Mike's neck, and Mike pushed at Dustin, they all tore their eyes from their comics to watch you two.
Jonathon stared still, and to this his little brother slapped his forehead with his hand.
"Ok, Byers. I'm running to the bathroom." You hopped off and went down the hall, looking back once to see Jonathon watching still.
At the sound of the bathroom door closing Jonathon received a mess of frustrated yells from the boys.
"I like her." He interupted their unidentifiable shouts.
Dustin rolled his eyes. "Well duh."
Jonathon just sunk his head into his hands.

You were in the comic book shop, setting out a new display of action figures when the boys slipped into the store.
You didn't even notice until you felt Mike hug you from behind, nearly startling you.
"Woah-" You turned, laughing softly and scuffing up his hair a bit.
"What's happening, nerds? I got a new Green Arrow coming in in about an hour. Won't sell till tomorrow but you guys can have a sneak." You jutted a hand at the group, who all glanced at each other.
"We'll stay for that." Lucas spoke on behalf of them all. You nodded, going off to the small backroom so you could pop some Cokes from the minifridge, setting them out on the counter for the boys.
"But that's not why we came." Dustin spoke, adjusting his cap. You narrowed your eyes at the group.
"You guys in trouble?"
They shook their heads.
"Kill a man? Drugs? What do you need me to get you boys out of?" You offered a half smile as you made your way back to the figures, adjusting them on their spots.
"It's about Jonathon." Will quietly spoke, making you turn to face the boys carefully.
"Is he okay? He seemed off yesterday. Did something happen to him?" You bit on your lip, and the boys smiled at each other.
"He's fine." Mike waved off your questions.
You breathed out in relief.
"He wants to go on a date with you!" excitedly yelled Lucas, and your eyes widened a size or five. The boys watched your cheeks swell pink and mouth part.
"He what?"
"YOU WHAT?" Jonathon yelled, more out of panic than anger.
"And she's coming now so you better think if something quick..." Dustin hummed, tapping at his small watch. The teenager stood gaping at the group, face burning to a shade of bright red.
" she said yes?" Jonathan whispered.
"Obviously." Mike sighed, arms crossing over his chest.
Jonathon's face flickered through multiple different emotions before he finally let out a shaky breath and darted upstairs.
"Is he going to hide?" Will whispered.
Dustin exhaled heavily, following after him with the boys trailing behind.
"Jonathan!" He shouted, slamming his fist on the door. After about thirty seconds the door flew open to a frazzled Byers. He wore a button up and a blazer, dress pants crisp and clean.
"No!" Lucas yelled.
"You're going to the park, goddammit." Dustin exclaimed. The brunette nodded and closed the door again.
Forty seven seconds later appeared Jonathon in his normal jeans and tshirt attire, but his new jacket shrugged over it.
"They grow up so fast." Mike breathed right before they heard the door open downstairs.
"Yello?" You shouted, making Jonathon release a panicked squeak.
"Go get em', tiger. " Dustin patted at the teenager's shoulder. Jonathon gulped and hopped down the stairs, being very suddenly taken aback once you came into sight. You wore a simple grey dress, a yellow cardigan hugging over your arms and matching your sneakers. He knew you were pretty, but maybe the realization of how pretty you really were was just hitting him now, when he could properly identify his emotions.
"You're gonna catch a fly, Byers." You rested your hands down on your hips.
He shut his mouth, then opened it right back up.
"I actually didn't know the boys asked you out for me. I didn't...want them to."
You bit on your tongue, looking down.
"No-no no no. I wanted to ask you out. So this is good. This is great. This is..." He nodded, and you laughed at this, taking a few steps towards him.
"Great." You flashed a smirk, leaning up quickly and giving just the fastest kiss on his cheek before turning and going towards the door. He turned the brightest shade of red you'd ever see, standing stiff in his spot as you walked outside
"Go, you dumbass." Lucas hissed from the stairwell.
Jonathon nodded quickly, running after you.

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