Jonathan Byers Imagine: After Christmas Morning

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This is so UNGODLY late! ! I can't even describe how bad I feel about this, but work is considerably hard to get out right now, even if it's short and I love doing it. Anyway, this is for the incredibly kind sweetheart StrangerThingsThing. Just btw you made my day when you requested this, which is why I feel bad it's late. School has a heavy toll. But I hope you enjoy this!

It was all very new that morning for Jonathon Byers. From his soft grey sweater to the camera balanced between his two large palms as he hopped down the stairs. It was a gift from Nancy, and was something he found particularly special that morning. As the teenager practically bounced into the living room, he immeidetly noticed his brother, who was all sprawled out on the ground and holding a crisp new comic over his head.
"Morning." Jonathon waved his hand once and Will immediately popped up, revealing a wide smile. The Byers brothers adored the day after Christmas, perhaps even more so than Christmas itself.
"Hey Jonathon." Will whispered, though spriteful excitement not lacking in his tone.
"Hey Will." The elder Byers leaned down so he could scoop his brother up into hug. Will laughed quietly, releasing from their hug so he could poke to their mother at the end of the room, who was deep asleep and curled up on the couch. Jonathon softly exhaled a chuckle, taking the yellow knitted blanket folded up on the ground and laying it over their mother gently.
"Where are you going?" Will questioned in a hushed and barely audible tone.
"You betcha. I'll pick up some cinnamon rolls on the way." Jonathon turned slightly, large hand rested onto the gold colored doorknob. Will laughed quietly, purely out of excitment.
Jonathon goofily smiled, eyes gleaming at his brother before he turned the knob and stepped outside.
"See you soon-" He released, just barely ending his sentence before he closed the door.
He was immeidetly hit by a sudden embrace of cool air and the sweet scent of fresh snow and grey skies. He licked at his lips, releasing a visible breath and just standing on his porch to take it all in.
It was new, it was chilled, it was winter and the boy loved that so much. Jonathon sent a hand through his hair as he trotted off and down the street in a merry fashion, lips subconsciously poking up to a grin.
It was so soft out, the snow was clean and newly formed. It was just the best time of the year, Jonathon was sure of that as he walked down the hardly busy street. It was all bright and twinkling. From the assortments of wreaths and green trees littered with rounded decor. From sparkled white lights to iced down streets.
With one hand clasped to his camera and another bawled in his pocket, Jonathon broke through the outskirts of the trees, heart light with classic holiday cheer.
He walked slowly, he cherished it all. The Byers swept through the forest, his tall and stalky form blending against the monstrous trees. He was happy, and whether he would admit it or not (for the sake of his mother and little brother) that was not a common happening.
He slipped his camera up, and he shot careful pictures. He bit his lip and leaned down to take more photos. Jonathon revealed teeth as white as the snow his knees dug into, he was distracted and free and cheerful. But then he saw you.
The boy stopped, jaw hovered below him and bright eyes taken aback at the sight. He lowered his bulky camera.
You were serene and soft and crisp in your new blue jacket. A yellow dress layed down over and above you.
You watched a herd of deer, you were peaceful. He looked over your locks of hair to your sparkling eyes to the way your hand held out to them in a welcoming way. But they left, and you stayed. You watched a rabbit. You watched a little spider. You watched and watched and he stayed.
He stared intently as you were admiring the naked branches and the peaks of the sky visible to you from beneath the trees. You admired the littered ground and the slightly worn gloves on your hands. You admired anything you could find yourself looking at.
Jonathon noticed that. Jonathon loved that. But he didn't do a thing. He just stood, staring.
But your eyes kept wandering, and inevitably, they fell down to Jonathon Byers. Your breath hitched,you were surprised. He was surprised.
But the difference,you regained yourself at a few seconds after.
He watched as your hand flashed up, waving a palm to the teenager and fingers fluttering up towards the clouds.
Jonathon blinked and brought up his hand, but he didn't wave it. He just brought it up, and that was impressive enough for the bashful teenager.
You smiled, repositioning your sneakers on the ground and shifting on your stump.
"Hey there." You called, voice sounding louder than it was in the empty forest. He inhaled.
"H-hey? Hey." Stuttered Jonathon.
You laughed. "You don't sound very sure of yourself."
He furrowed his brows, laughing when he noticed you were joking with him and his visibly uneasy exterior.
"Sorry." He took forward a few steps towards you, being cautious and making sure he didn't startle you. You just remained unfazed, looking at him as he neared with curious, wide eyes. He neared you in the same soft manner you did to the deer, you noticed this immeidetly. Did you look that fragile?
"No need to apologize. " You smiled slightly, he noticed how pretty you were. Against the snow, under the trees, in a bright yellow dress. Jonathon Byers did not do well with pretty girls.
"Thank you." He coughed, stopping and standing there, not sure of what to do.
"No need to thank me." You twirled out a finger and poked it in his direction with a sly look in your eyes. You really weren't giving him a break.
"Ah-ao-mm." He silenced himself, you tittered, and he just wanted to melt on the forest floor.
You settled yourself down and adjusted yourself in the stump. With a swift motion you waved him over, and the action didn't register to Jonathon at first.
"Sit. Stay awhile." You hummed, tilting at your head.
"Okay." He gulped down and made his way over hesitantly. Your bright teeth shined at him as he sat down on the slightly snowy ground, crossing his legs and looking around. Anywhere but you.
"You're tall."
His eyes flickered over.
"Like the trees. It's odd." You rested your head on your hand.
"I'm odd?" He chuckled carefully, licking his lips once. Your head bobbed.
"You're just sitting here, in the freezing weather with all but a thin jacket. Making friends with deer and spiders all on your lonesome." He quickly said, his string of words taking you aback. He hadn't talked this much yet. You liked it, his voice.
"And you've been watching me?" Your eyebrows rose. He flustered.
"Isn't that odd." You shook your head, teasing him nonchalantly. At this Jonathon looked down in a shameful manner.
But your hand rose and patted firmly on the shoulder of his sweater, trying to comfort him. Instead he reeled back out of surprise.
So with a chill wind tossing up your delicate locks of hair, you fluttered your hands up and palms out. It was a way to show him you meant no harm. Jonathon eased back, wondering just what made him so jumpy.
You offered another smile. So many smiles, it made the boy feel odd in his gut.
"Sorry." He mumbled.
"I'm the one who nearly gave you a heart attack." You jutted a finger to yourself, Jonathon chuckled. He eased down, the visible comfort flickering onto his lanky body made you happy. It made you determined to make him feel better.
"That's nice." Your eyes traveled down to the fresh camera hung around his neck. He followed at your gaze and then looked back with a slightly excited face.
"Really? Thank you. I-well it's new." Jonathon licked his lips, fingering at the camera with an eager smile.
You huffed a laugh, tilting your head and keeping your eyes locked onto his camera.
"You like photography?"
"Yeah. Definitely - it's..."
You studied him. "Important to you?"
He nodded, quirking a half smile.
"What do you take pictures of?"
"Well- ah. Things I enjoy." He stated, looking at the icy ground. You could tell he was simplifying a more genuine answer.
You looked at him, making his eyes catch yours forcefully. You gave him a look almost to say "Go ahead, explain ". That made him smile. Smile smile smile.
"Everyone's saying life goes by really quick. I don't think I believed that until I saw how fast my brother was growing up." He looked at you carefully, hesitantly.
"I think it's important to capture everything that meant something. Because everything means something if I've come across it. Like, little fireflies or leaves rippling down to autumn colors. Or a couple walking, holding hands, living their own lives and not noticing for a mere second they affected mine. I like to remember every little thing because in the end, what else will I have to live for than what I did live for?" He explained, words solid and meaningful and making your heart leap under your ribcage.
"I want a million things to be apart of my short time on Earth and I want to remember all of them. If I can." He looked up into your eyes, daring to study them.
Your lips stayed up, amazed by the tall boy you met by chance.
"Take a picture of me." You breathed.
His lips parted, throat caught in surprise by your bold statement.
"Wh-wh" He managed out.
"I want to be part of your life." You leaned forwards, hair astray and eyes close enough to Jonathon for you to see the entirety of his face turn red.
"For a second." You shrugged.
He was stiff, but managed to recover and pull up his camera slowly.
You leaned back, sitting on your stump and averting your eyes to the camera. Jonathon liked his pictures to be taken with the people unaware, in their own world. Living as they would if they hadn't noticed the camera. But something told Jonathon you weren't anything less than you were while you were daydreaming and watching small deer.
He moved to the right, standing and adjusting his camera to take a few shots. He wanted the pictures to be perfect. He didn't think it would be difficult.
When he was done, he gently let the camera hang down on his chest.
"Thank you." He smiled, and you just extended your hand out to him. He stared at it for a second, oh so slowly taking it and helping you up. But when he went to drop it, you kept your hand firm, walking forwards and tugging the Byers with you.
"My pleasure." You tittered, walking through the forest and feeling your shoes crack twigs and small leaves.
"I'm Jonathon." He stared at your hand that wrapped warmly around his.
"Y/n." You returned, looking back with a grin.
Y/n. Of course. Jonathon grinned back, feeling electricity ride down his skin.
And on that fresh morning, the day after Christmas with the golden white sunlight splaying over their young faces, he knew Y/n would be in his life for longer than a few pictures.

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