Short Jonathan Byers Part Two

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You found yourself sitting on a curb once more, pulling at your fingers and letting your hair dust up in your eyes. It was a sort of barrier from you and Jonathon, it hid your blush quite well (which was a bonus).
The boys were all in the icecream parlor, chocolate smeared on their faces and laughs audible to you both when the door was opened and closed.
Jonathon and you had decided to leave them, going to sit outside of the parlor in the dwindling daylight.
"Hey." He quietly spoke, you could hardly hear him.
He coughed. "Uh- I have an idea?"
You looked over at him. He always sounded so unsure of himself.
"What's up?" You brushed some hair behind your ear, revealing your pair of bright eyes that took him off guard.
He shifted a bit, rubbing at his forearms.
"I could teach you."
He looked over at his yellow bicycle. Your eyebrows rose, a grin perking up on your lips. Your breathed in the smell of distant chocolate.
"Would you?" You ducked your head down slightly. He nodded and offered a comforting smile.
You tittered, standing and making your way over. You rested your fingertips on the bike handle gently.
He came up behind you, snapping the kick stand up and gesturing for you to hop on.
Hesitantly, slowly, you did. It was how you expected, a little too big for you, the handles were soft and the pedels felt odd under your sneakers. Jonathon steadyed it on the sidewalk, keeping you upright.
"You're probably not going to learn it all now." He began to push it gently.
You looked up at him.
"It takes a few days of practice."
"Understood." You looked down and around the bicycle curiously.
The sky was a melted down yellow-pink, the air was warm and you felt unsteady on the bike, even as Jonathon pushed it.
"Alright so start pushing the pedels."
You wound your legs around.
"Go faster, you won't stay up if you're too slow."
You sped up slightly, putting pressure on the pedals and receiving an approving mumble from Jonathon.
"Hold to the handle bars and keep yourself going straight." You bobbed your head, lips twitching upwards.
"I'm gonna let go..."
You look back up to him, eyes slightly glossed over with worry. He reddened up a bit.
"You'll be alright."
His hands drifted off and you sloppily tried to bike forwards, pedaling viciously in hopes it would keep you up. You thought you were doing it for just a second, until your lost control. It happened fast and you were far from Jonathon on account of your speedy pedaling.
You flopped over on the pavement, part of the bike digging down into your ribs and the rest crashing against you. The wheels skidding to your ankles, your head slammed to the sidewalk, making Jonathon choke on the breath he was holding.
You let out a thin hiss of a breath, not noticing at first when Jonathon ran up and pushed the bike up and off of you.
"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry I'm-"
"No no." You winced, sitting up and feeling the immediate burns in your skin. There was a slick cut across your forehead that was the most noticable. It bled, and Jonathon held his arm up to it.
"That was fun." You croaked with a smile and eyelids pulled down.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
He pulled back his arm, worriedly looking over you.
"You biked a bit too fast."
"Did I?" You blinked your eyes open, a joking tone to your voice. You looked down at the skid marks on your arms, frowning slightly.
Jonathon gulped, looking back up at your forehead an watching just a bit of blood trickle down. He returned his arm up, blocking it from getting everywhere. You leaned into his touch, not noticing how close your faces were until you rose your gaze to his red expression.
"You sure you're fine?"
"Yeah." Your voice was thick, and you watched Jonathon study your features.
You pushed yourself forwards into his arm just slightly, making his breath get caught up in his throat and his stomach flip abruptly. You were close. Close enough to feel his breath and nearly the graze of his nose.
"Can I ah-"
You smiled, leaning in and not leaving any space this time. He lowered his arm and looped it around you.
Jonathon was soft and warm and felt better than anything you've ever felt in a while.
He was warm summer nights and the melted down sun, he was crisp pink clouds and lilac dripping skies. He was there and perfect and you pulled back breathlessly with a look of revelation.
"Didn't go according to plan." He bit on his lip and you chuckled, yanking your arms around him and squeezing him against you gratefully.

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