Nancy Imagine

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Yo yo what up, it's your local sin slut with some gay stuff for you here.
Hella Short, and I'm not very sureee about this one, but I needed to write for my Nancy.
Please request if you want more of my "content". Thanks bby ♡

It was cold where Nancy found you, all huddled up and bruised. She ran swiftly, not bothering to dodge any puddles as she skidded up to where you sat against the vacant building front.
"O-oh god. Are you-"
"I'm okay." You assured her quickly, leaning up and attempting to seem more put together than you were.
"No-no. Did he-" She gently set you down, hands tight on your shoulders.
"It's fine." You murmured, casting down your eyes.
She held to the sides of your face, shaking her head and making her hair flop around.
"It's not fine, it's not fine. I'm so sorry." Her nearly tearful blue eyes making your stomach churn and flop.
"I-" You inhaled more shakily than expected.
"Got less than I gave." You mustered up a smile for the girl, trying to push yourself up but failing miserably. You winced and fell back against the brick, head thumping and sending aches throughout you.
"Why did you-"
"You know." You whispered softly. She gulped.
"Woah, I never realized Nancy was a fag." Cooed the sickening voice of John, a tall and bulky boy you held no tolerance to.
"Don't talk to me." Nancy had returned, continuing to walk with her books held up to her chest. You watched the situation from afar, anger grumbling down in your gut.
"You're worthless, you know that? You need to stop trying so hard. It's just sad." One teenager threw at her, she walked faster and you pushed up your sleeves. You huffed and charged towards the situation head on.
"Stop." She murmured, trying to get away. One grasped tightly onto her shoulder.
"You should just kill yours-"
You snapped your hand down on John's arm, shoving him back and away from Nancy.
"That's enough." You shot at him. Nancy's status had drastically changed since she had been seen kissing you in the courtyard. She wasn't insanely popular beforehand, but she was sweet and likable and now in a not-so-accepting school she was seen as anything but.
"Well what a surprise this is." One hissed, eyebrows raised and eyes mocking you.
"Why don't you fuck off?" You shoved him again, receiving a sharp look from the teenager.
"You think you scare me? You're nothing more than a small, worthless little fag, just like Nan-"
You blew a solid fist at his jaw.
"Fuck off."
He heated up, shaking his head and ignoring the pain that was now spontaneously blossoming.
"You do think you're tough, don't you? How about we handle this after school?"
"Sounds great." You spat, receiving a nervous look from Nancy. You were going to fight him any way he wanted, because you knew you'd win. There was no way you'd let this continue. You would fight anyone you had to to make Nancy's life easier.
"You didn't have to. " She brushed a strand of hair behind you ear, eyes skittering over your bruised face. You both knew Nancy would have taken the guys on herself, Nancy didn't need anyone. But when she was threatened you reacted harshly (which was unlike your usual peaceful nature ). And when you reacted harshly, Nancy was awestruck, oblivious to what she should do. You weren't yourselves when the other was threatened, basically.
"They never would have stopped."
"It's not worth it if you're hurt." She sighed, and you looked up, slightly confused.
"You think that?"
"Of course." She nodded quickly. A smile flickered on your lips and made Nancy laugh sadly.
"Let's get you up." She exhaled, slipping her hands under your arms and pulling you up carefully. You groaned, and she tried to ignore the hurt in your voice as she held you up and helped you limp forwards.
"You're so stupid. " She whispered.
"Yes. "
"You shouldn't have-"
"No." You shook your head, supporting yourself on Nancy as you continued forwards.
"They wouldn't have left us alone. Now John's torn up, let's consider it a warning."
"You're torn up."
"Not as much." You mumbled. She shook her head quickly.
"It wasn't worth it. You're hurt. We never should have-"
You pulled back, wavering without anything to hold onto. The cool night air bit at your cuts, and a strand of hair drifted atop your serious gaze.
"I don't regret kissing you. I never will." You frankly spoke, tone solid and making Nancy rub her face.
"Do you?" You inhaled, scratching your head.
"Of course not, you idiot!" She jutted out her palms, shaking her head and making her ponytail bop around. You grinned and leaned in suddenly, taking her face between your shaky hands and dipping your lips into hers. She happily leaned into, grasping onto your red jacket and laughing into your kiss, feeling utterly found in a world she hadn't recalled being lost in. Maybe you both made each other do insane things, but at least you had moments like these. Secure on each other and experiencing an ever infamous teenage love story.
It felt fresh, and amazing and when you pulled away she pulled you back, but this time in a hug. It was soft and perfect and everything you needed right then, as you were cut up and bruised on a Friday night.
You were content in the arms of Nancy Wheeler.

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