Jonathan Byers Imagine

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Requested by the lovely idkminter.
I reallyyy apologize for this being so late! I had Internet issues, erghh.
Requests are amazing, appreciated, and this was so fun to write! Thank you! <3

Sitting back on your sofa, you breathed in the warm scent of cocoa, a steaming cup between your palms and your mother's red couch hugging around your tired form.

Slowly and gradually your eyelids began to sink. Your grip loosened on the ceramic mug and you exhaled a soft breath. A relaxed feel settled over the Henderson household.

"You bitch!"

You blinked yourself out of your drowsy state, frowning down at the boys on the rug.

"What?" Mike threw up his hands, four Pringles stuffed in his mouth as he spoke.

"Those were mine!" Lucas drew a finger out at his friend, eyebrows pushed up together.

Mike shook his head in response, fishing his hand back on the tube for another chip.

"Sharing is caring, Lucas." Mike mumbled, and to this Lucas snatched back his chips.

"Well I don't care." He pushed the lid down on the tube and received a snicker from Will. You smiled at the younger Byers, who was fiddling with a pack of trading cards, your brother next to him and observing the pack carefully.

You stood, setting your hot chocolate on the table next to you and stretching.

"You're gonna rip em', Byers." Dustin shook his head and snatched the pack, Will stared at him open it hesitantly.

He was protective over his cards.

"How late is it?" You yawned, grabbing the knitted yellow blanket from the couch and wrapping it over you.

The boys collectively shrugged, though all aware of the time. You pursed your lips, dragging your feet over to the dining room. You leaned over to look at the old clicking clock.

"Quarter to nine? It's a school night." You sighed, rubbing at your head. The boys exhaled in defeat. Then realization snapped at you.

"Will, if I don't get you home Joyce will have my skin!"

"No she won't. She loves you."

"Well she'll be disappointed." You murmured as you pushed on your old sneakers, growing more and more panicked as the seconds rolled on. You really didn't want Joyce to be scared.

The boys began to slowly pick up their candies and comic books.

"Why can't he stay with us for a little longer?" Lucas asked, a deep frown forming.

"You all have different rules. I don't want Joyce and Jonathon to be upset." You exhaled, pitching the blanket to the chair and snatching Will's jacket.

"Ooh god forbid Jonathon is upset with you." Dustin cooed, making you bite on your lip.

"Dustin could you not please." You handed Will his coat.

"You're blushing!" Yelled Lucas, and at this you hurriedly rubbed your face, eyes adverting down speedily.

"I'll send all of you home. I have that right, I am your elder." You dared, piecing yourself back together.

Will buttoned up his coat and hushly mumbled something along the lines of, "But you won't. ".

You shook your head, flustered and stressed.

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