Yeah?: Jonathan Imagine

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Requested by the fantastic sweetheart little-nabb
(Whose comments never cease to make my day!)

You were not a morning person, this was clear at the crack of dawn every day at six when your mother shook you roughly. However, you were a night person.

The meraculous difference between waking at three am and six am was something you wouldn't question. At three it felt like the world was open and quiet. It was dark blue and twinkling and ready for you to explore it's wide empty streets and fresh air with cool breezes running through it. It was clean and made you feel alive.

So you raked a few hands through your hair and tied up the dirty laces of your yellow shoes, head full of bliss and eyes glazed over with sleepy cheer.

You lived for 3am and all it's wonders, and there was absolutely no one else you wanted to spend it with than your shaggy haired boyfriend.

So you crawled out from your window and crept out into the dark woods, not even a slight click of fear going off within you. You knew these woods, they were more so a home than anywhere you've ever known. You cascaded through the trees as you have a million times before, and you saw a parting in the distance, it made you sweep faster through the forest, the soles of your shoes skipping over rocks and leaves. It was a quick walk, but enjoyable.

The hood of your sweatshirt bopped on your neck as you jogged faster and faster, eventually appearing outside the Byers household.

Steadily,  carefully, you climbed. Your hair dusted up in your eyes and your bones tensed beneath the meat of your arms as you boosted yourself to Jonathan's window, a smile plastered on your face at the thought of him being with you in a matter of seconds.

His window was open. It always was at night. Sometimes you needed out off your house, whether it be because of your 3am wandering or home situations. So he left it open for you and you appreciated this as you slid up the screen and knocked quietly on the frame. You didn't want to startle the teenager.

You couldn't see into his room very well. It was pitch black, and no matter  how much you blinked you couldn't spot your boyfriend. You were quiet, not wanting to barge in and startle him.

But then there were a few shifts in the shadows, hardly noticable. You leaned your head into the room carefully. You listened in to the silence, mouth parting as you were about to call out for the Byers. Though before a word could escape your lips, a firm pair of long arms extended from the darkness and slid up around your waist. You laughed out (perhaps a bit too loudly) as you felt Jonathan wrap you up against his chest and gently pull you into the room.

You buried your face in his grey sweater and pressed yourself into his hug, thus resulting in the tall teenager to fall against his twin bed, bringing you with him.

You plopped onto the mattress with a 'thump', laughing and feeling Jonathon conceal your giggles with his hand, despite the fact he was chuckling himself. You held your hand up to his lips as well. You could both feel each other's smiles.

"Good morning." He whispered, and you laughed softly, pushing yourself up so you sat on top of his hips, beaming and pushing a few locks of hair from his eyes. You could see the traces of his face in the dark, you could see his grin.

"Morning, Byers."

He leaned up, hugging you from where you sat on his thighs. His hair dusted up in your face, and you breathed the his coffee scent and old leather car seats that constantly clung to his clothes. You inhaled softly, smiling and grasping his hand.

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