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Don't think about her.

Don't think about her.

Don't think about her.




I paced the room back forth, as I did ever since she went on tour with my band. My thoughts were jumbled up and I was incredibly confused. The reason I brought up breaking up was because I thought it would be good for her. We ended up breaking up because it would easier for the prank. But it's not easy.

It's so fucking difficult.

I desperately wanted to hit her up and see how she was doing but she was most likely busy. All week I would glance at my phone and there would be nothing. Nothing. No calls, no texts, no emails. But what was I to expect?

I just wanted her in my arms again...

Stop thinking about her.

I tried doing things to distract myself from the inevitable loneliness that awaited me at the apartment. I wondered if she was alone, too. But then I figured that she probably hung out with the boys a lot, which most likely took up most of her time. I just want to talk to her...

I swear, I'm going to punch myself.

Suddenly my phone rang, and I immediately go to answer it. "Lucy?"

"Uh, no, it's Marina."

I slumped my shoulders in disappointment. "Oh. What do you want?"

"Well, I was going to see if Lucy was there," Marina said, "but based on your immediate outburst of her name as soon as you answered, I assumed she wasn't."

"She's in America," I explained, then my eyes widened. "I mean, not that that's any of your business."

"Oh," she lets out a sigh. "Well, can I ask you something, Luke?"

"You just did."

"Why do you sound so... anxious?" she questioned, curiosity in her tone.

"Why do you sound so nosey?" I retaliated, immediately hanging up the phone.

And then my thoughts were right back to Lucy. This "trying to get over her" part of the break up isn't doing so well.

Like, it may never happen.


"You look..." Danny spoke as soon as I walked into Stony's. "You look like crap, man."

"Thank you," I muttered. "I was up all night."

"Thinking about Lucy?" he quipped, raising his eyebrow.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "How did you know?"

"There are bags under your eyes, and I heard about your break up," he tells me, giving me a sympathetic look.

"Yeah, well," I sighed, leaning against the counter. "She's not an easy person to get over."

Danny chuckled. "Funny, 'cause I got over her."

My eyes widened in surprise. "You did not."

"But I did," he grinned.

I gaped at him. "How?"

"I met somebody else."

I gave him a suspicious look. "Who?"

"Do you remember Sam?" Danny says.

"Um," I laughed, starting to become nervous. "I hate to break it to you, but that chick's insane, mate."

Pretending to Be Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now