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"Dude, what the fuck," I grumbled as I felt a freezing liquid splash all over my face. I quickly sit up and use my hands to wipe off the-whatever the hell was poured all over me-and open my eyes to see three boys snickering at me.

"'Morning, Luke," Michael failed at holding in his laughter. "Had any wet dreams before you woke up?"

"No," I said, rolling my eyes. "But I did have quite a distinct dream that included me murdering my bandmates."

"Chill, Luke," Ashton laughed. "It was just a prank."

"I'm getting fucking tired of these damn pranks," I mumbled, now in a grumpy mood.

"Wimp," I hear Michael say and I glare at him. Asshole, this shit was probably his idea.

"It wasn't even a good prank anyway," I said. "Wow, water on my face while I sleep? That's a good one." Sarcasm dripped from my tone.

"Like you can do better," Calum retorts. "Now go wash up, we have a song to write in an hour."

I stand up from my bed, giving them one last glare, before stomping off to the bathroom. As soon as I stepped into the steamy shower, I grabbed ahold of my shampoo bottle. For some reason, it smelt a little weird, but I shrugged it off and continued to rub the substance in my hair.

After I was finished showering, I stepped out and took a look in the mirror. I gasped.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I shouted, wrapping a towel around my waist and running into the hotel room.

Michael, Calum, and Ashton were laughing their asses off, holding their stomachs like they were unable to breathe. I was seething with rage.

"Care to explain?" I tried to remain calm, but it was almost impossible.

"I didn't know you wanted to dye your hair, Lucas," Ashton says smugly.

"I didn't," I spat.

"Black is a nice color on you," Michael speaks, adding a little wink at the end before bursting back into laughter.

"Bro, my mum's going to kill me when she sees this!" I shouted.

"Relax," Calum says. "We go back home in three days, and the dye fades out in twenty-four hours."

"I don't want black hair for twenty-four hours!" I complained. "You guys can be such immature pricks."

"Says the boy with a passion for penguins," Ashton points out.

I rolled my eyes. "At least I don't play dumb pranks on you guys."

"That's because you can't," Calum chuckles. "You're shit at pranks."

"Now get dressed!" Michael chirped, before I could reply. "As much as I'd love sit here and stare at your toned chest, we have a song to write."

Suddenly feeling uncomfortable around Michael's presence, I ran to my suitcase and picked out two random pieces of clothing, and ran back to the bathroom, eager to get away from Michael.

Just last year, Michael came out as bisexual to Ashton, Calum, and me. We're cool with it, no doubt. But just a few months ago, Michael admitted his feelings for me. It was awkward (at least for me) when letting him down easy and that I'm straight, but he's quite determined to show the "gay of me." He's, like, convinced he could make me attracted to him. He constantly flirts with me and touches me in places very sexually. I'm close to telling him to fuck off, but I don't wanna hurt his feelings.


"Song writing is so frustrating," Michael groaned, leaning his head on my shoulder.

I snickered. "You're just lazy."

"That I am," he agreed. "When I get home I'm making my own man cave so I can never leave the house."

Calum rolls his eyes at him, while Ashton awes at his phone. He has a priceless look on his face, as if Will Smith followed him on Twitter.

"Whatcha lookin' at, Ash?" I spoke. "Porn?"

Michael hits me on the shoulder as Ashton blushes, shaking his head. "You're a very sexual boy, Lukey!" Michael laughs.

"Says the boy who's always talking about fucking me," I snap.

"No, it's not porn," Ashton remarks. "I found something quite interesting."

"Will Smith followed you?" Calum asked eagerly.

"I wish," Ashton mumbles. "I'll tell y'all later."

"But I wanna know!" I whined. "Lemme see your phone!"

He shakes his head and puts his phone away, causing me to be annoyed. "Let's go back to writing the song!" he says happily.

"You're such an ass," I said.

"I know," he smiles. "Thanks."


"Come on, Ash," I persisted, as soon as we got back to our hotel room. "Tell me what you found interesting."

"Let it go, will ya?" he shook his head. "If you wanna know what's so interesting, go have a look on Twitter yourself. I'm sure you'll find it."

I furrowed my eyebrows and he waddled to the bed, muttering something about being tired. I went to my own bed and pulled out my phone, logging into Twitter. Within thirty seconds, Ashton was proven correct: there was something quite interesting.

Why the fuck am I staring at pictures of me wearing a wig and girl clothes? Why would someone waste their time photoshopping this random shit?

But as I read through the tweets, I realized that it appeared the pictures weren't photoshopped at all; and neither were they of me.

Apparently, there is a female version of me, who goes by the name of Lucy Hemmers. Hm.

I chuckled to myself as I stared at the pictures and tweets in disbelief. "Lucy" (quoted because there's no way I could have a female version of myself. I don't really believe in coincidences) was found in Australia, where she lives, working at a record shop. This is probably made up by the Fam, they do have an imagination.

However, my denial in all of this was proven wrong when I saw an account in the trend "#femaleversionofluke" which was: @/LucyHemmers. Curious, I clicked on the user and it brought me to a page with a bio that read:

"yes. im the female version of luke hemmings, i guess. now fuck off."

So she's real. But... she looks so much like me. She couldn't be my long lost twin since I know I don't have a sister, but mum's been trying for a girl three times and gave up when she's resulted only in boys. Plus, if I had a sister, my mum would tell me. Also, this chick has a different last name than me.

Ha, I bet if she cut her hair and dresses like me, the lads would think she is me...

...Wait. That gives me a great idea.

I smirked to myself as I followed the girl, then locked my phone as I was overcome with drowsiness. A brilliant plan formed into my mind as I fell into a deep sleep.

Let's just say: the boys won't be calling me Luke "Can't-Prank-His-Bandmates" Hemmings anymore.

Pretending to Be Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now