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Luke suddenly reappears beside me, his eyes widened in what I assume to be shock and his face slightly pale. I raised my eyebrow at him, quite confused and a little worried.

I placed my hand on his arm and spoke softly, "Luke, are you okay?"

He nodded mindlessly and opened his mouth to reply but the only words that came out of his mouth were, "I-I saw... I saw..."

"You saw what?" I questioned, starting to become more worried by the second.

"I saw..."

Luke was interrupted by a distanced shout, "Luke!"

It appeared to be the sound of Calum's voice so I quickly hid behind a nearby wall. I peeked a little, and although eavesdropping isn't always the most "proper" thing I couldn't help myself, I was too curious.

"Luke," Calum spoke, "are you all right?"

"Yeah," Luke breathed out.

What the hell is going on?

"Are you mad?" I hear Michael ask, causing me to furrow my eyebrows.

"No, of course not," Luke chuckled softly. "I was uh, just surprised to see what I saw."

For the love of all humanity, what in the world did Luke see?

"We were going to tell you and Ashton, but we just didn't get around to it," Calum explains. "We didn't mean for you to walk in on us like that, we never wanted to keep it a secret."

Walk in on us? Secret? What does he mean by that? I felt super tempted to walk from behind the wall and scream at them to stop speaking so safely, but of course I couldn't do that so I just stayed put.

"So, um, Calum," Luke says awkwardly, sounding almost as if he was too nervous to say whatever he was going to say. "Are you... you know?"

"Gay?" Calum laughed. "Yeah, I am."

My eyes widened. Well, you learn something knew everyday.

"How long have you... known that you were?"

"Well, I've known for quite a while but I kept denying it to myself, so I hid my sexuality buried deep in the ground and slept with countless girls to tell myself that I'm not gay, I'm not gay," Calum admitted. "But I've never been attracted to girls. Only to boys. And then I started to get a crush on Michael but he liked you and I tried so hard to make myself forget but I couldn't."

"Then I started feeling the same way towards Calum," Michael spoke up, after having been quiet for a few minutes. "I was the first person he came out to. We started getting close to each other and one thing led to another and then you caught us making out just a few minutes ago and now we're here."

It all made sense. Luke walked in on them kissing, explaining his lurid expression. I've also noted the many times where Calum and Michael sat so close to each other and whispered in each other's ears whenever we all hung out together. How Calum would talk about sex with girls and how Michael would look a little pissed off.

And the times they accused (teased, more often than not) Ashton and I (thinking that I'm actually Luke) of having a secret relationship. They've got a lot of nerve (in the good way, though).

Honestly, I'm not that surprised. I'm glad that they're both happy, and with each other.

"Wow," Luke says, taking it all in. "Well, I'm really happy for you guys."

They chatted for a few more minutes until Calum and Michael departed. Luke was suddenly standing in front of me as I leaned against the wall.

"Hey," I said. "You okay?"

"Of course I am," he grins, appearing to be giddy. "My two best friends are dating."


Luke hovers over me, his bright blue eyes that resembled mine examining my every move, every inch of my body, my anticipation for his touch, my facial expression. My breathing hitched as he pressed my further into the bed, his fingers gently walking my thigh as they made their way up to my chest. His hand caresses my breast and he gives it a gentle squeeze, causing me to close my eyes for a moment.

"You're so fucking beautiful," he whispers. "So fucking beautiful, baby girl."

"Of course I'm beautiful," I tell him, smirking. "I look like you."

He shakes his head profusely and says, "No. Right now, you don't look like me."

I raised my eyebrow. "Oh? Then who do I look like?"


I smiled and then he kisses me passionately, our bodies pressing together like a perfect fit. The rest of my undergarments are removed and I watch as he begins sliding off his own underwear.

"We're so beautiful together," I find myself saying as my face became flustered at the feeling of his hands on my waist.

Luke smiles, "Beautiful enough for our own story?"

I laughed a little, "Perhaps someone is writing a fanfiction about us right now."

Suddenly he enters me, and I wrap my arms around his neck at the pleasure. I moan and whimper his name out as he pushes in and out, the sound of my own name slipping out of his mouth.

"Princess - oh fuck," Luke groans, pressing multiple kisses against my neck.

"Luke," I sputtered, my breath hitching as I realize that I'm reaching my climax. "I love you so damn much."

Soon we both release and we lay beside each other, panting for breath. I pull the sheets of the bed against me as Luke wraps his arm around his waist.

"When we met," Luke spoke, breaking the few moments of silence, "I had this feeling."

"What feeling?" I asked him curiously.

"Like I just met the love of life," he informs me. "Of course I didn't know it back then, but I did."

I smiled warmly, absorbing every bit of his comfort. "I had this feeling too. As cliché as it fucking sounds, I felt like time completely stopped when we made eye contact. Perhaps it was because a boy who looked exactly like me and happened to be in a band, but I got these shivers down my spine and my subconscious told me, This boy is going to change your life forever."

"Did I?" Luke blushes a little. "I mean, change your life forever."

"Yeah," I assured him. "Of course you did. But I think we should give our evaluations at the end of this prank."

"Okay," he replied. "You know, I'm really happy for Calum and Michael."

"I am, too," I say, nodding in agreement.

"I wonder if their sex is as good as ours."

I nudged him and rolled my eyes.

He laughs. "No, but seriously. I wonder why people hate same sex relationships. They're the exact same as heterosexual relationships, they just happen to involve the same gender. The more the love the better, right?"

I shrugged. "There are a lot of unaccepting people in this world, Luke. They just have cold hearts."

Luke held me tighter to his body and he says shakily, like it's his worst fear, "I really don't want a cold heart."

"Neither do I," I replied.


"Yeah?" I responded.

"I want to stay like this forever."

I smiled for what must have been the billionth time today, "Me too."


there's a reason why this chapter is labelled "mature" :)

sooooo sorry I haven't updated in so long, school has been taking over my life and will continue to take over my life considering that I'm a junior in high school. I'll try to update as much as I can (although there's only a few chapters left) but it may take a while.

thank you for staying with me though :)

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