The Memory Tree

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Scars build up
They burn like a million fires
My heart is too heavy
I'll rip it out, run it through with wires
Hang it up on my memory tree
Just to put it there requires
Me to be tall enough to reach
The top, where all emotion expires

Scars they know
When a heart is hurt
And when it's too much
Then are there to alert
Me to the fact I am always in pain
How often Death and I flirt
We sit in numb colored rooms
While I wear a numb colored shirt

My memory tree sit solemnly
I watch it with blank face
It speaks out to me
I see my innocence as lace
Decorating the tree of my past
The red ribbon has a certain grace
As it bleeds all over my tree
Causes me to be the one to replace

This Is The Sad PartNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ