I'm Back

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I'm back
Here I am

I feel the shadows strangling me again
Their pitch black smoke hands around my neck
Squeezing my breath from inside my lungs
It almost feels like death

But there's air, in my brain
Oxygen keeping me sane

But I don't know if it's enough
Cause my brain is turning dark
And it's seeping in my thoughts
Making them heavy as a mark

A mark that symbolizes hatred
I've built up over 5 months
So much I spite, I sicken me
It scary how much
Sometimes I can't believe

Random moments of hurt
Foreshadowed this moment
Breaking down over nothing
Lead to breaking down all together

Maybe it's good though
To just let it take over all at once
So I can restart
Get back to where I was

It hurts to think that you're better
And then to feel that you're not
To think you are stronger
But to be stricken down by one thought

God, why does this happen?
Why am I one person split into two?

Why am I so sad?
There are others who have more reason to?

Just please help me out..
Help me survive this bout

Cause I don't want to be back
But here I am

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