Invisible As Air

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Invisible as air
With every breathe
They suck me in
And spit me out
With disgust saying
“The air is stale with musk”
As they try to blow me away
With open windows and air fresheners

But I’m old and musty cause
I live without anyone else
No true human connection
So I rot the air as I waste away
Into the invisible world
And finally they say
“Ah, that’s better, now I can breathe”

But I suffocate on the scents of
Island Isolation, Lilac Loneliness
Choking on the bitter cold wind
Blowing their judgment at me
I’ll freeze to death in this
Atmosphere in which
I’m all alone

I am as invisible as air
And my sadness spreads
Cause when I evaporate
At some point
I will condescend
And it will be one heck of a storm

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