Music Box Heart

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I hold a wooden box
Wrapped in a yellow ribbon so light
That it looks almost bleached
It's frayed, looking like it has no fight

I am grasping it without leverage
Nothing can loosen a single finger
My fine box of wood
Where multiple scratches linger

The wood is old and faded away
The color is pale and ghostly
I am very depressed to see
But the heart beats still hopefully

You come my way
As your bright eyes glances
Over my box so dear to me
My box's ribbon flitters and dances

You extend your palms
With a handsome smile
And say nothing at all
Though I know all the while

You want my box
So slowly I hand it
I'm scared to trust you
That you will forget

To be gentle
To be kind
To take care of
And softly wind

My music box of a heart
The yellow ribbon is firmly tied
Don't cut it with scissors
Don't rush getting inside

My box is precious
A treasure to discover waits inside
Slowly and steadily
In it, I will let you confide

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