The Deal

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Tick, tick, tick. The clock at Boylans was almost like a gong to Josh, after he had caught himself staring at it for the fifth time today. He was eager to see Skye, it had been a week since he saw her smile, the light in her eyes, and it was killing him. Twenty minutes remained in his shift and every tick seemed to pass slower.


"Huh, oh, hey Boylan, sorry" He spluttered

"Thinkin about Skye are ya" Boylan asked "I miss seein her round here"

"Yeah, me too. I'm gonna go see her after work" Josh looked back at the clock

"Well, how about this, I'll let ya take off early if you can do something for me tomorrow" He said, bringing Josh back to reality

"What do you need"

"I've ah, heard that there is a fruit that makes some pretty good hooch, only problem is, it's, unavailable, in the market" Boylans eyebrow twitched

"What kind of fruit" Josh replied

"I've heard people callin 'em, fruts. Apparently their moonshine is great"

"And what, you want me to got OTG to get you some" He asked

"Got it in one, so, whada ya say, do we have a deal" Boylan held his hand out

Tick, tick, tick.

Josh sighed and took Boylans hand "Deal"


"Elizabeth, could you help me with this" Malcolm called, lifting a large container onto the table

"What's this" She asked

"Something new" Malcolm grinned "Hymenophyllum jamesonii"

"I've heard of these, it's an epiphytic fern of neotropical rain forests" Elizabeth ran her fingers across the small plant

"Almost like a parasite, it does grow on a host, but unlike parasites, it takes no nutrients from the tree itself and relies on nutrients from the air, rain, and surrounding compost"

"Their epiphytic way of life must give these plants all kinds of advantages in the rain forest. Allowing them access to more direct sunlight, a greater number of canopy animal pollinators, and the possibility of dispersing their seeds via wind. Look at this" Elizabeth pointed "It has berry-like clusters of sporangia where reproductive spores must be produced"

"It's an incredible find, so much to be studied. We are one step closer to finding a cure for cancer out there Elizabeth" Malcolm said

"We can only hope" She smiled "Josh, I thought you'd still be a work"

"Boylan let me go early, I wanted to see Skye. How's she doing" He asked, hoping for something

"Well, there is some improvement. The swelling is all but gone and the fracture is healing well. I wouldn't be surprised if..."

"Doctor Shannon" Nurse Ogawa yelled

Elizabeth followed the voice, trailed by Josh and Malcolm.

"Skye" Josh yelled, running up to her bed

"Josh, whe...what happened" She tried to focus her eyes

"Do you remember anything Skye" Elizabeth asked

"Uh, the storm... hail"

Josh explained to Skye what had occurred that day, leaving out how close to death she was. He told her about Taylor carrying her in, about Hunter, Tasha and Max coming to visit almost every day, and about how worried he and Deborah were.

"I'll go find Taylor shall I" Malcolm excused himself

"How long have I been out" She asked

"About a week" Josh answered

"A WEEK" Skye cried "But, how, I mean, wha..."

"Calm down, that stone hit you pretty hard. We were worried that something would have affected you when you woke up" Josh wiped his eyes "I'm just glad your ok"

Skye Smiled and pushed herself up, wiping away her own tears, she reached over and hugged Josh.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes" Taylor laughed

"Hey Taylor, did I miss anything while I was out" Skye giggled

"Nah, smooth sailing as always"

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