The Taken

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The convoy pulled up at the edge of the clearing, everyone watching for movement. Jim and Taylor stepped out and ushered for the others to follow.

"Reynolds, show us what happened" Taylor instructed

Mark slowly made his way through the clearing, stopping as he came upon a dirty, shabby blanket. With everything that happened, no one really gave any though to pick it up.

"We were here" Mark stated, sadness in his voice "The Carnos came from over there. We went this way and I let your hand go here"

A large divot in the ground caught Emilys eye "That's where I tripped, an...and the Carno, it was there"

She moved about the ground, re-enacting the events of the day. Mark moved with her, confirming everything she said, watching as they neared the edge.

"...And I fell... here"

"Then you hit that rock, and disappeared out there" Mark finished, staring at the rock with such anger

"But I don't understand, I remembered what happened to me, why isn't anything else coming back" Emily huffed, pacing back and forth

"I don't know if anything else will come back. But you do have great friends who can fill in the blank spaces and you can make new memories all over again" Taylor replied

"WE GOT MOVEMENT" One of the soldiers cried

Every gun was pointed out, all searching for the culprit. A low hum was slowly getting louder as it approached, cracking and crushing plants in its way.

"SIXERS" He yelled again

The vehicle busted through the trees and came to a halt just away from the colonists. Mira stepped out and looked over the soldiers, stopping once she got to Jim.

"Shannon" She called "You took someone special away from me, now it's your turn to know that pain"

"What do you want"Taylor answered

Mira nodded to one of her men, turning and smiling as the door opened and revealed Josh, bloody and beaten.

"Until I see my daughter, you won't see your son"

"OPEN FIRE" The Commander yelled

Bullets flew back and forth, knocking a few unfortunate beings to the ground. Mira Jumped into the rover and screamed at the driver to go. 


"Hey Doctor Shannon, have you seen Josh" Skye asked "He was going to walk me home today at 10 but he still hasn't shown and it's nearly 2"

"Well It's not unlike him to be late but, this late, and he has been seeing you every day for the last week" Elizabeth looked at her watch "Would you like me to call Hunter, I'm sure Josh would understand why your not here when he makes an appearance"

"Yeah... sure, thanks doc" Skye smiled

Hunter, Max and Tasha all took the day off work to welcome Skye home, expecting Josh to bring her to the surprise. Hunter reached for the comm link when he heard his name.

"Hello, this is Hunter" He answered

"Hunter, it's Doctor Shannon, it seems as if Josh has forgotten to get Skye, would you be able to come and get her" Elizabeth asked

"Sure, I'll be there in five" Hunter put down the comm "Josh didn't show, I'm gonna go get Skye"

The two nodded and waved Hunter out the door. He quickly made his was to the infirmary, dodging all doctors and nurses. When he saw Skye, his heart skipped a beat and he smiled.

"Hey, you ready to go home" Hunter asked

"More than you know" She laughed


Sorry for the late update and also a short one, I am very tired right now. My friend had a birthday dinner tonight and I stayed out later than expected and I have been up since 4am for work. Enjoy the read and enjoy, feedback is greatly appreciated.

thanks :)

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