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"Come on Tom. Fuse with me! Fuse with me please! Together, we could become the most powerful gem to ever exist!"

Those words, those exact words, hung in Tom's mind as he downed another bottle of Smirnoff. He was in his apartment, nothing but silence clouded the small space. The communist's heavy Norweigan accent only got louder as he begged to fuse, "I thought alcohol was suppose to numb the pain..."

Tom threw the bottle down in great acrimony, his head was spinning and he felt dizzy. His fifth bottle of Smirnoff, was finally granting him relief from the emptiness he felt inside.

"No! No! I'll never fuse with you! I'll never fuse with someone like you!"

Tom closed his empty eye sockets as he laid his head back against the couch; he wanted to just sit there and fall asleep, but he couldn't.

The appalling nightmares.

They would return if he even dared himself a wink sleep; so instead, Tom forced himself to stay cognizant.

"But Tom, think of the power! Think of the power you will receive, if you just fuse with me!"

Tom let out a crestfallen sigh, his head was pounding now.

More alcohol! I need more alcohol! he thought.

"Power!?! Why would I need power!?! All you're gonna do is use me!"

I need to get up...I need to get more Smirnoff! I need to drown the pain...

Knock knock knock!

Tom's empty eye sockets fluttered open weakly as he croaked, "W-Who is it!?!"

An amiable, pleasant voice came through the door, "It's Edd! I just wanted to see if you would like to join Matt and I outside of the apartment building, we have something exciting to show you!"

Tom allowed a bogus smile to creep up his cheeks, "Umm okay...let me uhh...let me get my hoodie and shoes on. I'll meet you guys out there!"

"No I won't use you. I won't use you I promise! Please Tom...I know we don't see eye to eye socket, but just give me a chance!"

"Okay! We'll be outside the glass doors to your left, but please hurry before Matt changes his mind." Tom sat there on his couch inaudible.

Edd's footsteps echoed through the small hallway outside of Tom's apartment, before he heard the elevator arrive on his floor.


Fused ForeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora