Catching Up on Old Times

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Tord finished bandaging Tom's head before gently placing the ice pack against his friend's wound, "That should ease some of the pain. Just keep it there."

Tom's hand drifted up shaking as he took over the ice pack, his soul-less eyes staring Tord up and down as his mouth remained agape. The Red Leader sighed with heavy relief as he plopped down next to the alcoholic; his one good eye closed as his body relaxed and his tension was released.

"Sir," Patryk stepped forward towards his commander as his voice came out nervously, "what do you want Paul and me to do now?"

"Sit." Tord gestured freely to the space around them with his bionic arm, his eye still closed, "Relax. We've had a long trip."

Tom watched with blurry vision as two men-who he had never seen or heard of before-sat down on the sofa beside him; one looked to be on edge, while the other didn't look to be...anything. Tom then turned to Tord, and he stuttered to find the right words, "H-How are you alive? I thought your gem-"

Tord pushed himself into a sitting position, "Shattered?" the Norweigan asked with a smirk, "Yeah. It did."

Tom glared at Tord questionably as the commie lifted his bionic palm towards him; soon the answer was revealed.

In the middle of Tord's artificial palm, was a ruby cracked and deteriorating slowly; it was only held together by the metal surrounding it. Tom could see Tord had tried to fix it, even though the damage was irreversible.

"What..." Tom trailed off, the ice pack slipping from his grasp as he reached for the chilling metal with both hands.

The Red Leader twitched in pain as Tom yanked on his arm, his eyes scanning the sight before him, "Yes...we...they tried to fix it..." Tord looked over at the bottles smashed against the table, he was trying to avoid his minion's and Tom's attention, "...but it's useless..."

Tom glanced up at the word 'useless', only to be stunned at the sight of tears dripping down Tord's undamaged cheek,

"Tom...I only have a few days to live..."

I know this update is early, but I'm going to be busy this weekend so I decided to post it already. Sorry if this story feels rushed or stupid, I'm trying my hardest to keep this updated weekly :)

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