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Tord stood there in the doorway of Tom's apartment, his heart palpitating wildly. The apartment seemed barren and Tom was no where to be located, this made Tord and his minions feel uneasy, "Tom? Are you okay?"

Patryk searched around frantically, but when he didn't spot Tom it made him start to panic, "T-Tord...we...we shouldn't be-"

Tord lifted his hand hushing his pilot immediately, "I know I heard him..."

The three waited patiently for a sign, any sign at all indicating Tom's presence. They sat there in silence for a minute or two before Paul finally spoke up, "The room."

Tord glanced at his co-pilot before placing his attention on another oak door across from them. Tord sighed in relief, That must be Tom's room.

Tord shoved his way passed his minions before shuffling through the messy apartment quietly; Smirnoff bottles were strewn everywhere, and even a few Twinkie wrappers were discovered in the weirdest places. Tord just ignored all of it as he approached the door and gave a slight knock, but when no anwser came he threw open the door slowly.

Tom laid on the soft carpet of his room, he was holding his head in excruciating pain as blood seeped down the right side of his face. Tord gasped at the sight before gesturing towards his minions in a rush, "Quick! Get a first-aid kit and an ice pack!"

The two shared a confused expression, but wasted no time in obtaining the items requested. As they both appeared from the kitchen, they saw Tord sit Tom down on the azul couch with a rag pressed tightly against his temple. Tord reached out towards Patryk who wielded the first-aid kit; Patryk gave his leader the aid kit before quietly returning to Paul's side in disbelief.

Tom seem to fall in and out of consciousness as Tord snapped open the miniature, apparent kit. Tom could see a hit of blue and red move in his blurry vision, before it became comprehensible who was invading his apartment.

"T-Tord?" Tom slurred in connipition and incredulity.

Yay! I finally finished this chapter! Sorry guys it took so long for me to post, these last few months have been hectic and emotional so I haven't had a lot of time. I might start updating every weekend now, so you guys keep a look out! :)

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