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"This is the one right?" a man's deep voice broke the once still air, "Jon was it?"

"Yeah." Another voice replied from the shadows, a hint of uneasiness in the tone of his voice, "Yeah. I think that was his name."

A sound of keys being pulled from a belt, jingled on the other side of a rusty door that sat alone in the musty, abandoned hall. The young teen's head snapped up weakly in curiosity; the rotation of a lock was heard followed by a soft click before the door was yanked open.

Surrounding dust particles were thrown into the air; the shortest of the two silhouettes in the doorway coughed and swiped around furiously, "Really *cough* need to clean *cough* this area of the building."

As the taller one stood observing the collapsed figure within the cell, he smirked and shrugged casually, "Why? Once we retrieve this little brat and accept our reward, this building will be evacuated and destroyed."

"Right. Right."

The tallest one stepped in first, and the other followed behind, his forest green eyes scanning the cell; it was a tight fit and dank in appearance, the only thing that had occupied the room were a set of chains attached to a trapped teen. Nothing special of course.

The teen was leaning against the back wall, the chains around his ankles chimed as he pulled himself into a small huddle. The only light from the hallway's dim torches, revealed an innocent expression hidden behind strands of hickory brown hair. Blood seeped down from the male's forehead onto his navy blue collared shirt and grey pants, but most of it was dried.

The tallest one chuckled and crossed his arms before speaking with a hint of sarcasm, "Poor thing. Must've been down here a long time."

"Yeah. What do you think they did to him?" the shortest one asked while diddling with his thumbs.

"Don't know. Don't care." the tallest one uncrossed his arms and sighed as he began approaching the teen, "All I know is that we're supposed to get him back to the lab for the Red Leader." As the man reached for the young teen a deep, sinister laugh escaped him, "Tord won't know what hit him after this."

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