Sweet Dreams

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"Families are like branches on a tree, we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one"


"Sammy, Sammy where are you?"

It had been their very first hunting trip with Bobby and they were both jumping with excitement yet Dean's hands shook with nervous anticipation. Finally Uncle Bobby noticed all the hard work Dean had been putting into his training sessions. For most eleven year old boys, it was a nightmare found only in the deepest pits of hell, but for Dean this was a chance to break through and shine like the star he knew he was.

As Bobby drove the 67 Impala northwards,Dean nervously chattered about the many possible creatures they could encounter while his younger brother Sam lounged across the backseat, smirked in ridicule at his older brother.

"Bobby, can I ask you a favour?" chirped Dean.
"What is it son?" asked Bobby with an exasperated gruff.

"Well," Dean sat up and rolled his head back towards Sam. " Since this is our first hunting trip, I think it's fair that we get the best pie that Wisconsin has to offer. What do you say, Sammy?"
Sam humbly nodded his head towards Bobby. "Uncle Bobby says too much pie will make other hunters mistake you for a werewolf."

Bobby rolled his head back, his whole body shook as his mouth erupted with laughter. "Edgit, you believed that silly story? You're as gullible as your father, it's a shame he isn't around to see you now."

Dean, on hearing his father felt a stabbing pain in his chest, but changed the subject, he frowned in disgust and shook his head in disagreement."SAM THIS ISN'T THE TIME FOR RABBIT FOOD." Sam looked down at his hands, a faint warmth spread over his cheeks as he smiled and rolled his eyes at Dean. "I can't say no to pie," he chuckled.

"Okay then, but only because Sam's stupidity has brightened my mood," smiled Bobby as he rolled the Impala onto the curb and slowly careened to a stop. "Okay boys, get ready this is gonna be one hell of a bitch to take on, and your very first one too.Dean, go get the burlap sack. Today you kill your first demon."

Heavy rain pounding on the windscreen woke Dean from the brisk flashback. That was his first ever demon hunt, how they were the days when the whole business felt like a joy ride. Not anymore.

Dean groggily sat up and rubbed his weary eyes. He had been on the road for quite a while now, it was a fair distance from his home in Lawrence, Kansas. He had forgotten what a solo hunt felt like, now that Bobby was always studying and researching in the bunker. Things were hard without Sam, to say the least. But maybe that would change in a matter of days.

Dean twisted the keys and the car thrummed to life. The Impala always drove like a surfer on a smooth current, and that's what Dean loved most about her. Other than her vintage design and brilliant cassette player to blare all of the great rock songs he had inherited from his father. Nobody ever appreciated those like Dean, not even Bobby.

It was only a few more miles now, nothing more than an hours drive, and Dean was starting to doubt this long journey would end with a disappointing destination. But he had to listen, he just had to, he traveled a long way for a long time to make it here, and with the information he knew so far, and Bobby with his head stuck in the books, he couldn't reject him, not this time.

They had all thought it impossible but now they had proof, proof to bring Sammy back, to be back on the road, all three of them with an extra passenger. John Winchester. Sam and Dean's father. Alive and well.

Sammy, Pie or Impala: A Supernatural FanficWhere stories live. Discover now