Better out than in.

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"I have to go with my brother. Blood is thicker than water."
~Dwaine Lentes


A good matter of time passed by the time Sam pulled out his leather chair and sat down, folding his hands in his lap and looking up at Dean with expectant emerald eyes, the colour of evergreen pine forests.

Before speaking, Dean took a few moments to take in the sight of his brother, or at least he could've called him that three years ago. He was almost a stranger now.
He had grown a great deal in the last three years and Dean was certain his younger brother by four years had passed him out, taking a hint of Dean's big brother alpha control away.

His jawline was now chiselled, his dark brown hair lay in smooth curls around his ears and he no longer looked like the lanky teenage boy Dean had once known better than anyone. It was an odd type of heartbreak to see Sam so grown up, yet knowing he missed out in those important years with him.

"Dean, are you going to tell me why you came all this way?" Sam blinked uncertainly at Dean, lightly drumming his fingers on the desk. A habit only Dean knew meant Sam was anxious.

"Yes, Sam, I have very important news to tell you," nodded Dean as he raised his head to look Sam fully in his face and leaned comfortably back in his chair. "I know how you hate talking, so I'm just going to keep this short and sweet. Dad is alive and I need your help to find him."
Dean looked down at his feet and scratched his head, scrunching up his face in anticipation for Sam's certain nuclear reaction to the situation. Had that been too full on? Should he of broken it down into smaller pieces so Sam could digest it over time?
It didn't matter now, did it? He had said it all. In one quick sentence.

Sam jumped out of his chair, turned his back to face the window, hands placed flat on both sides of his head and he winced painfully. It was if Dean had drained all the positivity in his life in one moment. Dean bit his fingernails
nervously as he waited for what seemed like forever for his brother to turn around to face him.

Finally Sam swiftly turned on his heel and raised his eyebrows, the edges of his mouth turned down and he looked like he was going to punch a hole through the wall.
"Dean, do you really think you can ignore me for three years, turn up out of nowhere and tell me bullshit on how Dad, who I'll remind you died twenty years ago, is somehow still alive?"
He laughed at him, but not the funny sort of laugh, more like a mocking jeer. "Has it really been that long?" thought Dean.

"Firstly Sam, you're the one who walked out to follow this fancy - shmancy guy in the suit job. Just to get a stupid girl's attention. And secondly, yes I found out three days ago. The other two I spent driving down to tell you. Bobby knew for years after reading several missing reports and he hid the evidence well, but not well enough. And if you really think I'd drive this far to lie to you, you've got something else coming!" Dean tried to conceal his rising emotions, but Sam's rude remarks were getting on his nerves.

Sam's face turned crimson with rage. "That "girl" is Jessica, and we are engaged and having a baby together." Sam paused, he must of known that he wasn't going to be getting away with keeping such important information from Dean.

Dean pushed his hand to the right, as if he meant to store this certain conversation for later. "Now is not the time for Jessica and a baby, but Sam, this is Dad, we thought he was killed by a demon. Can't you see how big this is?You can't tell me you don't want to find him!"

Sam tilted his head to the side and smirked. His eyes showed no emotion, which scared Dean quite a bit."No. I don't want to find him. Dean I barely knew the man. Bobby was the only dad I ever had and as soon as you started hunting, it was days home for Sam for ten years! I spent ten years looking out that bedroom window, watching the rain run down the windows. And that's why I left Dean, because there was no life for me there. But I have a life here, with Jessica and my job. Can't you see that?"
Sam sat down and placed his hands on the table. "So yeah Dean, I'm sorry, but you're on your own."

Dean felt a tormenting storm of emotions rising in his chest, threatening to choke his lungs. He stepped back towards the wall and looked at the ground, trying to make his swaying vision clear. Never in a million years had he expected Sam to say no. Maybe Bobby was right. Sam was going to stay in LA after all.

He got over his moment of disbelief and looked at Sam hard in the eyes. "I didn't drive for two days straight, haggle with that stubborn receptionist and march into your office defiantly to hear you reject me straight in the face. I've had enough of my slice of bullshit pie for today, thank you very much! So you're gonna snap out of this fake persona and live your real life with me and Bobby. Come on Sam! This ain't you! Don't give me that crap about being happy here. I know every night when you go to bed, you fret about the shadows that move within the darkness."
He stepped forward and pointed his finger at Sam's chest."That rush of thoughts and feelings to defend at any moment, that runs in your blood! That is what makes you a hunter, Sammy!"

Sam glared at Dean and pushed his finger away. "Would you stop for a moment and think about somebody other than yourself Dean! God, Bobby was right! You are a self- demanding princess who thinks the world only revolves around you! Do you expect me to quit my job and leave my expecting fiancé to drive off and look for a man that never even knew? Just say the word and I'll do it."
Sam had his hands clenched in fists and forced them down to his sides. His whole figure tensed in agitation.

Dean tilted his head to the side, half smiled and looked at Sam. "Yes!"
Sam rolled his eyes and pointed his finger accusingly at Dean. "Dean, you are so full of it! You know what? I think you should leave my office. Right now."
He pulled his chair closer to his desk and started to randomly type on his laptop. Dean was gobsmacked. Since when had Sam become so outrageously defiant and stubborn? He just simply would not listen.

Dean walked slowly to the door and rested his hand hesitantly on the door handle. Before he closed the door behind him, he began to talk but did not look back at Sam, in fear that he would lash out at him.

"Just remember who you really are, no matter how hard you try, they will always find you, Sam. To them you will always be a hunter, and never a mundane office dude, or whatever this whole set up is. You can't run away from the hunting life." And with that he slammed the door, leaving Sam staring after him.

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