Fires of Wrath

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"Human action can be modified to some extent, but human nature cannot be changed"
~Abraham Lincoln


The bright lights that dotted the horizon of Los Angeles blinded Dean's weary eyes. Feeling tired, he decided to pull over and park the Impala outside a cheap Motel. The sign read  "Sleep Tight, Stay bright!" "Huh," smirked Dean and he strode into the dimly lit reception. A perky receptionist handed Dean the keys to his room. When he found his room, he dropped his duffel bag, collapsed on the bed and as he shut his eyes, his field of vision filled with darkness, and suddenly the darkness swirled and moved like colours on an artist's palette to slowly form a series of images.

Dean found himself dreaming the same dream he had had the last few nights. Discovering his father was alive.
Himself and Bobby had been hunting down a shape shifter in Dallas. It had been a rare sort of  demon and Dean had to search in the corner of the library that was never used and infested with dust.

"It must be a shape shifting Greater Demon," grumbled Bobby. "I've seen maybe two in my lifetime. I wonder what would attract one of those bastards? It's usually something of worth."

"Well Bobby, it looks like this will be your third," mumbled Dean as he strolled over to the abandoned book shelf.

As soon as Dean laid his hand on a bright red book bound in parchment and leather, Bobby looked up from his laptop and his ginger- grey eyebrows shot up to the roof in alarm. His eyes widened with uncontainable anxiety, like when a deer realises they can not escape the fatal death of a gunshot bullet.

"Dean, you're not going to find anything of use in that old book. Put it back." Bobby's voice was uncharacteristically scolding and stern, which made Dean even more curious. Dean held up the book and waved his free hand dramatically around the title.
"Bobby, this is a Greater Demon book, it's the best place to look."

Bobby rose from his chair  and walked over to Dean, his hands clenched in fists at his sides. "Dean, dammit boy don't make me tell you twice, you'll find more worth up my  butthole than you ever will in that book."
Bobby seized the book and went to grab it off Dean, but Dean had an iron grip hold. "Bobby, you son of a bitch let go of the friggin-"

And the two men fell back and watched the book drop to the floor with a dramatic bang. And with the book floated little newspaper snippets, once carefully concealed, now fell to lie on top of the disturbed book. Dean frowned and bent down to take hold of the pieces of paper. "What the hell?"

He looked up to Bobby for an explanation, but Bobby was looking down at his boots, hands on his hips and an ashamed look in his eyes. A faint pink coloured his cheeks and he couldn't look at Dean. "Bobby is blushing?" thought Dean. Bobby never blushed.

"Bobby, what the hell is this? Is this why you wouldn't let me read that damned book?" asked Dean, a hint of anger in his voice. Bobby finally looked up at Dean, and his eyes looked a thousand years old.
"Oh Dean, I'm sorry you had to see that. I didn't plan on you ever finding those." He pulled aside two chairs and gestured for Dean to sit down. "I think you ought to sit down, this is gonna be one hell of a speech from me, boy."

Dean woke up to hear his phone buzzing. Sun poured in the opened curtains he forgot to close last night. He impatiently sighed while picking up his phone.Bobby was calling.

"Dean, can you hear me?" Bobby asked.
"Yes Bobby." Dean rolled his eyes.Bobby forgot that not everybody was a fifty year old hunter who's hearing had been damaged from years of heavy shotguns.

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