Nothing lasts forever

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"Nothing lasts forever. I think that's the lesson we all learn the hardest way."


After Dean had left with a dramatic flare, Sam decided he was done for the day. All the day's events had left him with an array of emotions. He felt confused, angry, sad but overall he felt uncanny.

He stalked out of the skyscraper building and got a taxi home. He was in no mood for walking the fifteen blocks to his small apartment.
He found himself contemplating the occurrences of the day.Had Dean really come all that way to tell him his dead father was somehow alive? Had he really thought Sam would drop everything at his feet to follow him? It made no sense, yet something kept prodding Sam,but he couldn't quite put his finger on exactly what it was.

He finally arrived at the 18th century interior apartment. With it's dome entrance, ivy intertwining around the walls and beautifully designed balcony, it was a very elaborate and chic apartment. One that Jess herself had picked out in the catalogue.

Sam walked into his home and his footsteps echoed a little too loud down the hall. "Jess," he called casually, with a hint of curiosity. There was no reply.

Sam ventured farther into the apartment. The small living room and kitchen were spotless and showed no recent signs of activity.
Sam anxiously pushed his hair behind his ears. "Jessica, I'm not in the mood for jokes." The silence burned Sam's ears and he ran to the cabinet and grabbed a sharp edged knife.

He ran into the bedroom and out onto the balcony. She was nowhere to be seen. Sam looked over the edge of the balcony. "Where the hell is she?" thought Sam. Then an intense pain shot through him as he remembered what Dean had said about his hunting life coming back and screwing with his normal life.

"JESSICA! JESSICA, CAN YOU HEAR ME?" shouted Sam. He had tears in his eyes and suddenly he saw something move from the corner of his eye. He yielded his knife but it was too late. The creature was moving fast and clung to his back. Sam rolled over and suddenly heard an anxious cry.
"Sam! What are you doing?"
Sam almost did a double take. Jessica clung to his shoulder blades, her blue eyes alarmed yet amused.

Sam turned around to Jessica and wrapped his arms protectively around her. He passionately kissed her forehead. "Jess, you scared me there for a moment."
Jessica laughed at him and gave him a quick affectionate peck. Sam held her narrow face in his hands.
"Tough day at work, honey?"asked Jessica.
"You have no idea.You'll never guess what happened!" Sam took her hand and led her to sit down on the grey fabric couch that Jess had adorned with cushions to make the apartment look more extravagant.

Jessica pushed her long blonde hair behind her ear and looked at Sam with curiosity. "What happened Sam?"
Sam took in a deep breath and locked eyes with his fiancé.

"Today, at work , Dean, my brother came to talk to me. He told me our father who died when I was two years old is still alive. He wanted me to leave with him and search for him. I said no and we got into this huge argument. I don't know if I was too hard on him?"

Sam's voice caught in his throat and he looked down at the ground. Jessica moved closer and grabbed one of Sam's hands and patted his back with her free one. "Sam, it's okay! You made the right decision. You live here, we are going to have a child in a few weeks and you have a good job and friends you love. Dean is blind if he can't see that."

Sam looked up and this time, he was shaking his head, an uncertain glint shone in his eyes.
"Jess, you don't understand, my brother was so upset,he had a very close relationship with our father. I think he will come back soon to ask again."
Jessica frowned and brought Sam into a closer hug. "Sam, you told me you hated your life back in Kansas. When you saved me from that werewolf, that was the happiest moment of my life. If it weren't for you coming here, we certainly wouldn't be together, about to have this beautiful child, in this lovely apartment. You have a great job and good mates in this city. We have left behind the past and built a good future for ourselves here. That is what you have done Sam. Dean is too ignorant to see that. But it is your decision to look for your father. It is a lot to take in all at once."

Sammy, Pie or Impala: A Supernatural FanficWhere stories live. Discover now