Chapter three: body

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Chapter three: body

I flipped the buisness card over again getting butterflies every time I saw his times new roman printed name.

"I got the film you wanted me to print," one of the IT guys handed me an envelope. I'd already published some of my favorite photos to the editor for the website late last night, but I wanted to take the pictures to Don, maybe he'd want a couple in the paper. Anyway it was always good to get a vote of approval from him, that's how you work your way to the top.

I walked up to his office and peered through the frosted glass window on the door. Usually Don's door was always open, but from what I could make out inside he was yelling something on the phone.

I pushed the door open quietly and waved at him. He saw me and help up a finger and mouthed the words "one minute".

"Yeah Deena,.......well whatever,........I'll be home when I get home it's only noon,........I'm hanging up now," he slammed down the phone. After whispering a few curse words to himself he looked up at me.

"Jackson, saw the website, good shots."

"Yeah just wanted to give you the full set, you know just in case," I gave him the pictures. Don took the envelope and started to look at each one of the photos.

"Trouble in paradise?" I asked.

"Uh, yes, but it's not really her fault I've just been swamped with work, she keeps complaining about how I never see the kids enough," he droned.

"At least it's a relationship, I'd kill for a good one of those." Don made a puzzled face at the next photo he looked at "seems you already have." He showed me the picture the waiter took of me and Bruce at our table, smiling with our faces close together.

"Oh my god, I didn't mean to leave that in there," I took the picture from him, almost smiling at how dumb I looked.

"I didn't know you were cozying up to Wayne, when did this happen?" Don pressed.

"Last night, I mean it didn't happen he just wanted me to sit with him becuase I spilled wine on his shirt, it was nothing really," I clarified.

Don shrugged "they say you don't know what true love is until you bump into a stranger and spill wine all over them."

I smiled and put the photo in my pocket.

"I'm going to get back to work, thanks Don."

"For what?"

"Helping me make a decision".

Happily I bounded back to my desk and picked up the cardstock. Just as I was about to call the number a hand with bright green nail polish snatched it from me.

"What's this," Daisy asked. I feel like this thing happens too often.

"Give it back," I moaned. Daisy's eyes widened at the reading of the card, she then wiggled it in my face with a wicked smile.

"When were you going to tell me you were dating Bruce Wayne!"

I finally grabbed his buisness card back from her "I wasn't becuase we aren't."

"Harmony your hurting my feels, I thought we were besties, that's why we sat for two hours eating lactose free mint ice cream watching reruns of saved by the bell."

"We are 'besties' still I just didn't want to jump into anything yet, with Harold and all."

Daisy put a hand on my shoulder "No offense but your really need to stop letting that man hurt you, he's dead. So tell me how you got Bruce's card?".

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