ch3. school part 2

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****Alec at the top****

I headed to my fighting class.
There were only guys in this class and they all stared in shock as I stepped in the room. Mr. Jason was the teacher and he stared at me. "Who are you and why are you in my class?" "I'm Alex, sir." I smiled when he gave me an unknowing look it was awesome. "Yes I'm a girl. And yes I'm in your class and also the bell rang like about five hours ago so can we start the class?" I was so annoyed by him so I did answer him appropriately in the way I wanted to. I heard some muffled laughter. Mr. Jason finally said "ok class this is the new student and the only girl at that so treat her with respect" he nodded at me so I curtsied which made him not acknowledge me for the last few seconds. "Ok so do any of you want to be in the boxing match today?" I waved my hand how the princesses do and I said "can I try?" He laughed and said "anyone else?" Five hands shot up. "Alec?" The teacher asked. "Sure!" Oh my god this is going to be hilarious!!!!!!
I step in the rink and he makes the first move and tries punching me so I blocked. But with only one hand not even looking at Alec. I block several times and I finally just punched him and he fell straight to the ground of the rink. He stood up in shock.
I looked at the teacher and he looked at me like I've grown five heads. I chuckled softly aware of all the stares I have been getting.
I jumped down and this time one of the boys had their mouths open so I go past them stopping and saying "You know you are catching flies right?" The bell just rang a couple minutes beforehand so I just walked out of class.
After getting out of the room Wren and Mason were waiting for me. They looked astonished at my skills. "What class do you have next?" they say in unison. "I have... Math" they nodded excitedly. "You have that class don't you?" They smiled so bright I thought the sun couldn't be any brighter. Well they proved me wrong. :)

Hey guys I love you all so much and I'm sorry I don't have any good jokes or punchlines but I have some I could use but the next chapter you will find out a part of her secret that she has hidden since she was 8 years old.


-See you later wolves!!!!!!!!!!!

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